Amend SB 277 on third reading as follows:
(1)  In added Section 312.0021(a), Tax Code (page 1, line 10), strike "operations or".
(2)  Immediately following added Section 312.0021(b), Tax Code (page 2, between lines 9 and 10) insert the following:
(c)  The prohibition provided by this section does not apply if the wind-powered energy device is installed or constructed pursuant to a memorandum of understanding or other agreement between the owner of the device and the United States Department of Defense that authorizes the installation or construction of the device.
(d)  The prohibition provided by this section does not apply if the wind-powered energy device is installed or constructed as part of an expansion or repowering of an existing project.
(3)  In added Section 313.024, Tax Code (page 3, line 2) between "zone" and the underlined period, insert the following:
". The prohibition provided by this section does not apply if the wind-powered energy device is installed or constructed:
(1)  pursuant to a memorandum of understanding or other agreement between the owner of the device and the United States Department of Defense that authorizes the installation or construction of the device; or
(2)  as part of an expansion or repowering of an existing project."