Amend CSSB 518 (senate committee report) as follows:
(1)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Section 171.878(b)(4), Tax Code (page 2, line 55), strike "and".
(2)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Section 171.878(b)(5), Tax Code (page 2, line 59), strike the period and insert "; and".
(3)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Section 171.878(b), Tax Code (page 2, line 36), strike "the" and insert "each privilege".
(4)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Section 171.878(b), Tax Code (page 2, between lines 59 and 60), insert the following:
(6)  an assessment of the number of eligible internship programs that would not have been offered in the absence of the credit and the total number of students who completed those programs, including:
(A)  for the 2018 privilege period, a comparison of the number of students for which a credit is reported under subdivision (1) to the number of public high school students of legal working age who were employed in this state for any period of time during the 2017 privilege period by the taxable entities that offered eligible internship programs reported under subdivision (1) for the 2018 privilege period; and
(B)  for the 2018 privilege period and each subsequent period; and
(ii)  an estimate of the number of public high school students of legal working age who were employed in this state for any period of time during the privilege period outside of an eligible internship program.