Amend SB 873 on third reading, in SECTION 4 of the bill, by striking added Section 13.505(c), Water Code, as amended by the Rodriguez amendment as amended, on second reading, and substituting the following:
(c)  If [In addition to the enforcement provisions contained in Subchapter K, if] an apartment house owner, condominium manager, manufactured home rental community owner, or other multiple use facility owner violates a rule of the utility commission regarding utility costs, the person claiming the violation may file a complaint with the utility commission. The utility commission and State Office of Administrative Hearings shall establish an online and telephone formal complaint and hearing system through which a person may file a complaint under this subchapter and may appear remotely for a hearing before the utility commission or the State Office of Administrative Hearings. If the utility commission determines that the owner or condominium manager overcharged a complaining tenant for water or wastewater service from the retail public utility, the utility commission shall require the owner or condominium manager, as applicable, to repay the complaining tenant the amount overcharged.