Amend SB 1215 (house committee printing) by striking all below the enacting clause and substituting the following:
SECTION 1. JOINT INTERIM COMMITTEE. (a) A joint interim committee is created to conduct a study under Section 2 of this Act.
(b) The joint interim committee is composed of members of the appropriate standing committees of the senate and the house of representatives as determined by the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of representatives.
(c) The lieutenant governor and speaker of the house of representatives shall each designate a co-chair from among the joint interim committee members, and the joint interim committee shall convene at the joint call of the co-chairs.
(d) The joint interim committee has all other powers and duties provided to a special or select committee by the rules of the senate and house of representatives, by Subchapter B, Chapter 301, Government Code, and by policies of the senate and house committees on administration.
SECTION 2. INTERIM STUDY. (a) The joint interim committee shall conduct a study on issues relating to construction contracts in this state to the extent the committee determines appropriate. Those issues may include:
(1) the allocation of liability among persons involved in a construction project;
(2) relationships among parties to construction contracts, including property owners, general contractors, subcontractors, and design professionals;
(3) liens on real property arising from construction contracts;
(4) indemnification and insurance issues;
(5) warranties;
(6) standards of care for persons involved in construction projects; and
(7) civil actions and other forms of dispute resolution arising from construction defects and remedies for construction defects.
(b) Not later than December 1, 2018, the joint interim committee shall issue a report on the study required under this section to the lieutenant governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the appropriate standing committees of the house of representatives and the senate.
SECTION 3. EXPIRATION. The joint interim committee created under Section 1 of this Act is abolished and this Act expires September 1, 2019.
SECTION 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2017.