Amend CSSB 1477 (senate committee printing) in SECTION 1 of the bill as follows:
(1)  In added Section 33.023(b)(1), Penal Code (page 1, line 45), between "ransomware" and "onto", insert "or causes ransomware to be introduced".
(2)  In added Section 33.023(c)(1), Penal Code (page 1, line 57), strike "less than $100" and substitute "less than $100 or cannot be determined".
(3)  In added Section 33.023, Penal Code (page 2, between lines 37 and 38), insert the following:
(f)  For purposes of calculating the value of the payment or other consideration under Subsection (c) or (d), the exchange rate between a foreign currency and the United States dollar is established at the earlier of:
(1)  the date the demand was made, if known; or
(2)  the date the victim became aware of the demand.