Amend CSSB 1659 (senate committee printing) in SECTION 3 of the bill, as follows:
(1) In added Section 29.924(b), Education Code (page 2, line 4), strike "facility purposes" and substitute "the remodeling of current facilities".
(2) Following added Section 29.924(b), Education Code, (page 2, between lines 5 and 6), insert new Sections 29.924(c) and (d) as follows and reletter subsequent subsections of the section as appropriate:
(c) Grant funds awarded under this section may be used by a grant recipient only to implement a high-quality educational program or to enhance a current educational program in order for the program to operate as a high-quality educational program.
(d) In selecting grant recipients under this section, the commissioner must consider the availability of existing resources, including funds and equipment, to students in the school district or open-enrollment charter school.