Amend S.R. ___ (Adopting the Permanent Rules of the Senate of the 85th Legislature) by adding the following appropriately numbered modifications:
____.  Amend Rule 4.07 to read as follows:
Rule 4.07.  Whenever a member is called to order by the President of the Senate or by the presiding officer then in the chair in accordance with Rule 4.06 and such member fails to sit down and be in order but continues disorderly, it shall be the duty of the Sergeant-at-Arms and/or the Sergeant's assistants upon the direction of the presiding officer to require such recalcitrant member to take his or her seat and be in order. Any member who persists in disorderly conduct after being warned by the presiding officer may, by motion duly made and carried by two-thirds [three-fifths] vote of the members present, be required to purge himself or herself of such misconduct. Until such member has purged himself or herself of such misconduct, the member shall not be entitled to the privileges of the floor.
____.  Amend Rules 5.11(a) and (b) to read as follows:
(a)  Any bill, resolution, or other measure may on any day be made a special order for a future time of the session by an affirmative vote of two-thirds [three-fifths] of the members present.
(b)  A special order shall be considered at the time for which it is set and considered from day to day until disposed of, unless at the time so fixed there is pending business under a special order, but such pending business may be suspended by a two-thirds [three-fifths] vote of all the members present. If a special order is not reached or considered at the time fixed, it shall not lose its place as a special order. All special orders shall be subject to any Joint Rules and Rule 5.10.
____.  Amend Rule 5.13 to read as follows:
Rule 5.13.  No bill, joint resolution, or resolution affecting state policy may be considered out of its regular calendar order unless the regular order is suspended by a vote of two-thirds [three-fifths] of the members present.
____.  Amend Rule 6.08 to read as follows:
Rule 6.08.  Any bill, petition, or resolution may be referred from one committee or subcommittee to another committee or subcommittee if the motion is approved by the chairs of both committees involved and by a two-thirds [three-fifths] vote of the members present and voting. Any bill, petition, or resolution may be committed to any committee or subcommittee at any stage of the proceedings on such bill, petition, or resolution by a majority vote of the elected members of the Senate. A bill or joint resolution committed to a committee or subcommittee while on third reading shall be considered as on its second reading if reported favorably back to the Senate.
When several motions shall be made for reference of a subject to a committee, they shall have preference in the following order:
First:  To a Committee of the Whole Senate
Second:  To a standing committee
Third:  To a standing subcommittee
Fourth:  To a special committee.
____.  Amend Rule 8.02 to read as follows:
Rule 8.02.  Petitions, concurrent and joint resolutions, and resolutions setting or defining legislative or state policy or amending the Senate Rules shall be referred to an appropriate standing committee when introduced and shall not be considered immediately unless the Senate so directs by a two-thirds [three-fifths] vote of the members present. The motion to consider such petition or resolution immediately is not debatable.
____.  Amend Rule 11.17(c) to read as follows:
(c)  The sponsor of a bill or resolution for which a minority report is filed or a member signing the minority report must move to have the bill or resolution placed on the calendar within 10 calendar days after the date on which the committee's vote was taken. An affirmative vote of two-thirds [three-fifths] of the members present is required for the motion to carry. If the motion fails or is not made within the time allowed, the bill or resolution is dead and may not be considered again during the session.
____.  Amend Rule 12.10 to read as follows:
Rule 12.10.  Each conference committee report, regardless of its subject matter, must have attached thereto a section-by-section analysis showing the disagreements which have been resolved by the conference committee. This analysis must show for each and every disagreement in parallel columns: (1) the substance of the House version; (2) the substance of the Senate version; and (3) the substance of the recommendation by the conference committee. No action shall be taken on any conference committee report in the absence of such analysis, except by an affirmative vote of two-thirds [three-fifths] of the members present, with the yeas and nays thereon to be recorded in the journal.
____.  Amend Rule 16.01 to read as follows:
Rule 16.01.  The terms "unanimous consent," "four-fifths of the members of the Senate," "four-fifths of the members present," "two-thirds of the members of the Senate," "two-thirds of the members present," ["three-fifths of the members present,"] "a majority of the members of the Senate," and "a majority of the members present" are defined as follows:
(1)  "Unanimous consent" means the consent of all of the members of the Senate who are present and voting on the issue at the time the vote is recorded.
(2)  "Four-fifths of the members of the Senate" means four-fifths of the 31 elected members of the Senate.
(3)  "Four-fifths of the members present" means four-fifths of the members of the Senate who are present and voting on the issue at the time the vote is recorded.
(4)  "Two-thirds of the members of the Senate" means two-thirds of the 31 elected members of the Senate.
(5)  "Two-thirds of the members present" means two-thirds of the members of the Senate who are present and voting on the issue at the time the vote is recorded.
(6)  ["Three-fifths of the members present" means three-fifths of the members of the Senate who are present and voting on the issue at the time the vote is recorded.
[(7)]  "A majority of the members of the Senate" means a majority of the 31 elected members of the Senate.
(7) [(8)]  "A majority of the members present" means a majority of the members of the Senate who are present and voting on the issue at the time the vote is recorded.
____.  Amend Rule 16.06 to read as follows:
Rule 16.06.  A vote of two-thirds of the members present shall be required to:
(1)  impeach any officer; (Constitution, Article XV, Section 3)
(2)  pass a Senate bill that has been returned by the Governor with objections; Rule 6.20 (Constitution, Article IV, Section 14) See note to Rule 6.20.
(3)  confirm an appointee of the Governor, unless otherwise directed by law; (Constitution, Article IV, Section 12)
(4)  adopt an amendment at third reading of a bill or a joint resolution;[.] Rules 7.19 and 10.02[.]
(5)  suspend the floor privileges of a member of the Senate; Rule 4.07
(6)  suspend the regular order of business; Rule 5.13
(7)  excuse absentees; Rule 5.03
(8)  set a matter for special order; Rule 5.11
(9)  place a minority report on the calendar; Rule 11.17
(10)  rerefer a bill to another committee; Rule 6.08
(11)  suspend the section-by-section analysis on conference committee reports; Rule 12.10
(12)  suspend or rescind any rule of the Senate unless the rules specify a different majority; Rule 22.01
(13)  consider immediately petitions, concurrent and joint resolutions, or resolutions setting or defining legislative or state policy. Rule 8.02.
____.  Strike Rule 16.07 and renumber the other rules of that article and cross-references to those rules accordingly.
____.  Amend Rule 22.01 to read as follows:
Rule 22.01.  It shall require a vote of two-thirds [three-fifths] of the members present to suspend any rule of the Senate, unless the rules specify a different majority. A majority of the members of the Senate may amend the Rules of the Senate by adoption of a Senate Resolution amending the rules, which resolution has been referred to and reported from a committee as otherwise required by these rules. Rules 16.06 [16.07] and 16.08.