C.S.H.B. 1724 |
By: Guillen |
Culture, Recreation & Tourism |
Committee Report (Substituted) |
Interested parties note that license buyback programs ensure the viability of the Texas fishing industry but contend that such programs exist separately from one another and that their funding is sometimes diverted for other purposes. C.S.H.B. 1724 seeks to address this issue by providing for a commercial license buyback subaccount in the game, fish, and water safety account.
It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly create a criminal offense, increase the punishment for an existing criminal offense or category of offenses, or change the eligibility of a person for community supervision, parole, or mandatory supervision.
It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution.
C.S.H.B. 1724 repeals Parks and Wildlife Code provisions relating to the shrimp license buyback account and amends the Parks and Wildlife Code to create the commercial license buyback subaccount in the game, fish, and water safety account to consist of money deposited to the subaccount as provided by the bill. The bill provides for specified sources of revenue to be deposited by the Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) to the credit of the commercial license buyback subaccount as follows: revenue set aside as provided by law from the fees from finfish licenses issued and approved finfish license transfers; revenue set aside as provided by law from the fees from commercial crab licenses and transfer fees; a fee collected for the transfer of a commercial bay or bait shrimp boat license; $25 of each wholesale fish dealer's license issued under applicable law; $25 of each wholesale truck dealer's fish license issued under applicable law; $6 of each retail fish dealer's license issued under applicable law; $11 of each retail dealer's truck license issued under applicable law; $25 of each commercial bay shrimp boat license issued under applicable law; $25 of each commercial bait-shrimp boat license issued under applicable law; $25 of each commercial gulf shrimp boat license issued under applicable law; $15 of each bait-shrimp dealer's license issued under applicable law; and revenue from any other source authorized by law.
C.S.H.B. 1724 authorizes TPWD to accept grants and donations of money or materials from private or public sources to be applied to the commercial license buyback subaccount. The bill authorizes money in the commercial license buyback subaccount to be used only to buy back a commercial license from a willing license holder and establishes that the subaccount is not subject to Government Code provisions relating to the use of dedicated revenue. The bill specifies the commercial license buyback subaccount in the game, fish, and water safety account as the account to which revenue set aside as provided by law from fees under the finfish license buyback program and the crab license buyback program is credited and removes as the sole purpose of such money, respectively, the buying back of finfish licenses and commercial crab licenses from a willing license holder.
C.S.H.B. 1724 abolishes the shrimp license buyback account on September 1, 2017, and requires the comptroller of public accounts to transfer the unencumbered balance of the account to the commercial license buyback subaccount.
C.S.H.B. 1724 repeals the following provisions of the Parks and Wildlife Code: · Sections 47.081(e) and (f) · Section 77.120 · Sections 78.111(e) and (f)
September 1, 2017.
While C.S.H.B. 1724 may differ from the original in minor or nonsubstantive ways, the following comparison is organized and formatted in a manner that indicates the substantial differences between the introduced and committee substitute versions of the bill.