C.S.H.B. 2351 |
By: Nevárez |
Urban Affairs |
Committee Report (Substituted) |
Interested parties note the need to strengthen the rights of fire fighters with regard to administrative investigations for alleged misconduct. C.S.H.B. 2351 seeks to address this need by setting out provisions relating to the investigation of fire fighters employed by certain municipalities and emergency services districts.
It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly create a criminal offense, increase the punishment for an existing criminal offense or category of offenses, or change the eligibility of a person for community supervision, parole, or mandatory supervision.
It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution.
C.S.H.B. 2351 amends the Local Government Code to apply provisions relating to the investigation of a fire fighter or police officer in certain municipalities under fire fighters' and police officers' civil service law to the investigation of a fire fighter conducted by a municipality, except a municipality with a population of 1.5 million or more under fire fighters' and police officers' civil service law. The bill, for a municipality to which fire fighters' and police officers' civil service law does not apply, authorizes a violation of provisions relating to the investigation of a fire fighter or police officer in certain municipalities under fire fighters' and police officers' civil service law to be considered by the appropriate authority, as provided by those violated provisions, during any disciplinary appeal hearing provided by the municipality.
C.S.H.B. 2351 applies provisions relating to the investigation of a fire fighter or police officer in certain municipalities under fire fighters' and police officers' civil service law to the investigation of a fire fighter conducted by an emergency services district. The bill authorizes a violation of such provisions to be considered by the appropriate authority, as provided by those provisions, during any disciplinary appeal hearing provided by the district. The bill prohibits an emergency services district and certain municipalities under fire fighters' and police officers' civil service law from taking punitive action against a fire fighter unless an investigation has been conducted in substantial compliance with statutory provisions relating to investigation of fire fighters and police officers. The bill exempts from its provisions the investigation of a fire fighter that directly relates to the facts and circumstances of an offense for which the fire fighter has been convicted that involves family violence and is punishable as a felony or Class A or Class B misdemeanor.
C.S.H.B. 2351 grants control to its provisions to the extent that Government Code provisions relating to a complaint against a law enforcement officer or fire fighter apply and conflict with the bill's provisions. The bill defines, among other terms, "fire fighter" and "investigation."
September 1, 2017.
While C.S.H.B. 2351 may differ from the original in minor or nonsubstantive ways, the following comparison is organized and formatted in a manner that indicates the substantial differences between the introduced and committee substitute versions of the bill.