H.B. 3810

By: Cyrier

Culture, Recreation & Tourism

Committee Report (Unamended)






Interested parties note that the French Legation is in poor condition and faces several conservation issues. H.B. 3810 seeks to address this issue by transferring jurisdiction over the property known as the French Legation to the Texas Historical Commission for the preservation, maintenance, and restoration of the property.




It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly create a criminal offense, increase the punishment for an existing criminal offense or category of offenses, or change the eligibility of a person for community supervision, parole, or mandatory supervision.




It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution.




H.B. 3810 amends the Government Code to add the Sam Rayburn House State Historic Site, the National Museum of the Pacific War, the property known as the French Legation, and the Mission Dolores State Historic Site to the Texas Historical Commission's jurisdiction. The bill removes statutory provisions establishing the state property known as the French Embassy in the custody of the Texas Facilities Commission (TFC) for the use and purposes of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas. The bill instead makes the Texas Historical Commission responsible for the preservation, maintenance, and restoration of the property known as the French Legation and its contents and for the protection of the historical and architectural integrity of the exterior, interior, and grounds of the French Legation and vests any power or duty related to the French Legation formerly vested in another state agency or entity solely in the commission. The bill removes the authorization for the Daughters of the Republic of Texas to charge admission to state property over which the organization has custody or control.


H.B. 3810 requires the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, on the bill's effective date and with assistance from the TFC, to take a complete inventory of all personal property and fixtures located at the property known as the French Legation and requires the inventory to identify the origin of each item and its current owner as agreed to between the Daughters of the Republic of Texas and the TFC. The bill requires the Daughters of the Republic of Texas to be allowed a reasonable time after completion of the inventory to remove any personal property and fixtures owned by the organization and requires any dispute regarding the ownership of personal property and fixtures located at the French Legation to be resolved through alternative dispute resolution as provided by the Governmental Dispute Resolution Act. The bill authorizes the Daughters of the Republic of Texas to transfer any applicable property of the organization to the Texas Historical Commission.


H.B. 3810 transfers to the Texas Historical Commission on the bill's effective date all powers and duties, state-owned assets, and files and records of the Daughters of the Republic of Texas relating to the French Legation and all powers and duties, files and other records, contracts, and appropriated funds of the TFC relating to the French Legation and its grounds, as applicable. The bill requires the Daughters of the Republic of Texas, on the bill's effective date, to transfer any money from admission fees and concessions profits held in trust by the organization in relation to the property known as the French Legation to the Texas Historical Commission to be held in trust by the commission for prescribed purposes.




September 1, 2017.