C.S.H.B. 4156

By: Bonnen, Dennis


Committee Report (Substituted)






Interested parties note that certain port authorities are authorized to issue permits for, and are provided  optional routes for, the movement of oversize or overweight vehicles carrying cargo on certain state highways. These parties contend that allowing shippers to load containers to their maximum carrying weight can reduce transportation costs, the number of trucks on the road, and vehicle emissions. C.S.H.B. 4156 seeks to ensure the safety of citizens, visitors, and businesses on Texas roads by providing for the issuance of these permits in additional counties and for the diversion of larger trucks to more appropriate roadways in certain counties.




It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly create a criminal offense, increase the punishment for an existing criminal offense or category of offenses, or change the eligibility of a person for community supervision, parole, or mandatory supervision.




It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution.




C.S.H.B. 4156 amends the Transportation Code to include among the counties in which the Texas Transportation Commission may authorize a port authority to issue permits for the movement of oversize or overweight vehicles carrying cargo on state highways counties contiguous to the Gulf of Mexico or a bay or inlet opening into the gulf with a population of not more than 200,000 and adjacent to another county that is contiguous to the gulf or a bay or inlet opening into the gulf and adjacent to at least two counties with a population of 550,000 or more. The bill raises the cap on the fee collected by a port authority for such a permit from $80 per trip to $120 per trip.


C.S.H.B. 4156 includes among the routes that the commission is required to designate for a permit for oversize or overweight vehicles issued by a port authority located in a county that is adjacent to at least two counties with a population of 550,000 or more, with the port authority's consent, the most direct route from 5261 Seventh Street in Bay City to the entrance of Port Freeport using State Highway 35, Loop 419, State Highway 36, and Farm-to-Market Road 1495.




September 1, 2017.




While C.S.H.B. 4156 may differ from the original in minor or nonsubstantive ways, the following comparison is organized and formatted in a manner that indicates the substantial differences between the introduced and committee substitute versions of the bill.




No equivalent provision.


SECTION 1.  Section 623.210, Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows:

Sec. 623.210.  OPTIONAL PROCEDURE.  This subchapter provides an optional procedure for the issuance of a permit for the movement of oversize or overweight vehicles carrying cargo on state highways located in counties:

(1)  contiguous to the Gulf of Mexico or a bay or inlet opening into the gulf and:

(A) [(1)]  adjacent to at least two counties with a population of 550,000 or more; or

(B) [(2)]  bordering the United Mexican States; or

(2)  contiguous to the Gulf of Mexico or a bay or inlet opening into the gulf with a population of not more than 200,000 and adjacent to a county described by Subdivision (1)(A).

No equivalent provision.


SECTION 2.  Section 623.212, Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows:

Sec. 623.212.  PERMITS BY PORT AUTHORITY.  The commission may authorize a port authority to issue permits for the movement of oversize or overweight vehicles carrying cargo on state highways located in counties:

(1)  contiguous to the Gulf of Mexico or a bay or inlet opening into the gulf and:

(A) [(1)]  adjacent to at least two counties with a population of 550,000 or more; or

(B) [(2)]  bordering the United Mexican States; or

(2)  contiguous to the Gulf of Mexico or a bay or inlet opening into the gulf with a population of not more than 200,000 and adjacent to a county described by Subdivision (1)(A).

No equivalent provision.


SECTION 3.  Section 623.214(a), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows:

(a)  A port authority may collect a fee for permits issued under this subchapter.  Such fees shall not exceed $120 [$80] per trip.

SECTION 1.  Section 623.219(b), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows:

(b)  For a permit issued by a port authority located in a county that is adjacent to at least two counties with a population of 550,000 or more, the commission shall, with the consent of the port authority, designate the most direct route from:

(1)  the intersection of Farm-to-Market Road 523 and Moller Road to the entrance of Port Freeport using Farm-to-Market Roads 523 and 1495;

(2)  the intersection of State Highway 288 and Chlorine Road to the entrance of Port Freeport using State Highway 288;

(3)  the intersection of State Highway 288 and Chlorine Road to the entrance of Port Freeport using State Highways 288 and 332 and Farm-to-Market Roads 523 and 1495;

(4)  the intersection of North Velasco Boulevard and South Avenue J in the city of Freeport to the entrance of Port Freeport using North Velasco Boulevard and Farm-to-Market Road 1495; [and]

(5)  21441 Loop 419 in the city of Sweeny to the entrance of Port Freeport using Loop 419, State Highways 35 and 36, and Farm-to-Market Road 1495; and

(6)  5261 7th Street in Bay City to the entrance of Port Freeport using State Highway 35, Loop 419, State Highway 36, and Farm-to-Market Road 1495.

SECTION 4.  Section 623.219(b), Transportation Code, is amended to read as follows:

(b)  For a permit issued by a port authority located in a county that is adjacent to at least two counties with a population of 550,000 or more, the commission shall, with the consent of the port authority, designate the most direct route from:

(1)  the intersection of Farm-to-Market Road 523 and Moller Road to the entrance of Port Freeport using Farm-to-Market Roads 523 and 1495;

(2)  the intersection of State Highway 288 and Chlorine Road to the entrance of Port Freeport using State Highway 288;

(3)  the intersection of State Highway 288 and Chlorine Road to the entrance of Port Freeport using State Highways 288 and 332 and Farm-to-Market Roads 523 and 1495;

(4)  the intersection of North Velasco Boulevard and South Avenue J in the city of Freeport to the entrance of Port Freeport using North Velasco Boulevard and Farm-to-Market Road 1495; [and]

(5)  21441 Loop 419 in the city of Sweeny to the entrance of Port Freeport using Loop 419, State Highways 35 and 36, and Farm-to-Market Road 1495; and

(6)  5261 Seventh Street in Bay City to the entrance of Port Freeport using State Highway 35, Loop 419, State Highway 36, and Farm-to-Market Road 1495.

SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.

SECTION 5. Same as introduced version.