Senate Research Center

C.S.S.B. 705

85R18906 SRS-F

By: Birdwell






Committee Report (Substituted)







The Open Records Act allows for personal information to be redacted if the person has been appointed by the governor of Texas, but the people who are not appointed do not have that protection. For example, if the governor's office gets a public information request to provide the applications of the applicants to the Texas Department of Transportation, they are only allowed to redact the information of the person who was appointed. All of the other applicants will have their personal information released to whomever made the request.


S.B. 705 requires that the following information obtained by the governor or senate in connection with an applicant for an appointment by the governor is excepted from the requirements of public information requests:





S.B. 705 makes this uniform for both appointees and those who apply to become an appointee. (Original Author's / Sponsor's Statement of Intent)


C.S.S.B. 705 amends current law relating to an exception from disclosure under the public information law for certain personal information of an applicant for an appointment by the governor.




This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.




SECTION 1. Amends Subchapter C, Chapter 552, Government Code, by adding Section 552.158, as follows:


Sec. 552.158. EXCEPTION: CONFIDENTIALITY OF PERSONAL INFORMATION REGARDING APPLICANT FOR APPOINTMENT BY GOVERNOR. Provides that the applicant's home address, home telephone number, and social security number obtained by the governor or senate in connection with an applicant for an appointment by the governor is excepted from the requirements of Section 522.021 (Availability of Public Information).


SECTION 2. Makes application of this Act prospective.


SECTION 3. Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2017.