Senate Research Center

S.B. 1037

85R7914 BEE-D

By: Perry






As Filed






A portion of State Highway 6, in Eastland County, was destroyed when flooding in June 2016 swept away a large portion of the roadway and bridge due to the lack of proper drainage.


The Texas Department of Transportation is finalizing construction on the bridge that will help ease drainage in the event this type of severe flooding occurs again.


After much consideration and discussion among the citizens of the Eastland County area, it has been decided to dedicate this new bridge to two fallen officers killed during the historic Santa Claus bank robbery of 1927. Chief of Police G.E. "Bit" Bedford was shot five times and passed away later that Christmas Day. Deputy George Carmichael died almost a month later on January 17, 1928, from injuries sustained that tragic day.


S.B. 1037 amends the Transportation Code by adding Section 225.123 and designating a portion of State Highway 6 adjacent to Lake Cisco in Eastland County as the Bedford-Carmichael Bridge.


As proposed, S.B. 1037 amends current law relating to the designation of the structure on State Highway 6 in Eastland County adjacent to Lake Cisco connecting the north and south banks of Sandy Creek as the Bedford-Carmichael Bridge.




This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.




SECTION 1. Amends Subchapter B, Chapter 225, Transportation Code, by adding Section 225.123, as follows:


Sec. 225.123. BEDFORD-CARMICHAEL BRIDGE. (a) Designates the structure on State Highway 6 located in Eastland County adjacent to Lake Cisco connecting the north and south banks of Sandy Creek as the Bedford-Carmichael Bridge.


(b) Requires the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), subject to Section 225.021(c) (prohibiting TxDOT from designing, constructing, or erecting a marker unless certain funds are available), to design and construct markers indicating the designation as the Bedford-Carmichael Bridge and any other appropriate information and erect a marker at each end of the structure.


SECTION 2. Effective date: September 1, 2017.