Senate Research Center

S.B. 1519


By: Hancock


Business & Commerce




As Filed






Texas Live! is part of the $1.25 billon Texas Rangers Stadium & family-friendly mixed-use district featuring dining, entertainment, hotels and convention facilities being developed in Arlington. The property is currently owned by the Arlington Convention Center Development Corporation and leased to the developer of Texas Live!, an affiliate of the Texas Rangers.


Currently, there is a provision in Section 108.755, Alcoholic Beverage Code, to allow for the promotion, sponsorship, or advertising of an entertainment event or an alcoholic beverage brand or product at a facility owned by a municipality or county that is financed with tax-exempt public securities.


In the case with Texas Live!, the property is owned not by the City of Arlington but by the Arlington Convention Center Development Corporation, and is funded not through bonds but in part by a grant from the City of Arlington.


This proposal amends Section 108.755, Alcoholic Beverage Code, so it can also apply to a facility that is related infrastructure to a venue as defined by Chapter 334, Local Government Code, which would include the Texas Live! project.


As proposed, S.B. 1519 amends current law relating to the promotion, sponsorship or advertising of an entertainment event or alcoholic beverage brand or product and a facility owned by a convention center development corporation




This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.




SECTION 1. Amends Section 108.755(a), Alcoholic Beverage Code, to include a facility that is related infrastructure to a venue, as those terms are defined by Sections 334.001(3) (relating to the definition of "related infrastructure"), (4)(A) (relating to the definition of "venue" as an arena, coliseum, stadium, or other type of area or facility), and (4)(E) (relating to the definition of "venue" as a certain project authorized by the Development Corporation Act of 1979), Local Government Code, among facilities where Section 108.75 (Advertising and Promotion in Public Entertainment Facility) does not restrict or govern certain activities.


SECTION 2. Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2017.