S.B. 1554

By: Kolkhorst


Committee Report (Unamended)






Interested parties note the potential for major changes to the Medicaid program, whether initiated by the state or the federal government, in calling for the creation of a joint legislative oversight committee to facilitate any such change. S.B. 1554 seeks to create a Federal Medicaid Funding and Reform Waivers Legislative Oversight Committee under certain conditions.



It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly create a criminal offense, increase the punishment for an existing criminal offense or category of offenses, or change the eligibility of a person for community supervision, parole, or mandatory supervision.




It is the committee's opinion that this bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution.




S.B. 1554 amends the Government Code to create the Federal Medicaid Funding and Reform Waivers Legislative Oversight Committee if the federal government authorizes states to opt to receive the federal share of money for the operation of Medicaid through a Medicaid block grant funding system or a Medicaid per capita cap funding system or requires that states receive that money through a Medicaid block grant funding system or a Medicaid per capita cap funding system or if the executive commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) seeks a waiver under Section 1115 of the federal Social Security Act to the state Medicaid plan. The bill provides for the composition, appointment by the lieutenant governor and speaker of the house of representatives, as applicable, leadership, and travel reimbursement of the eight-member committee and requires the committee to take the following actions:

·         facilitate the design and development of a Medicaid block grant waiver or Medicaid per capita cap waiver, as applicable, if the federal government authorizes states to opt to receive the federal share of money for the operation of Medicaid through a Medicaid block grant funding system or a Medicaid per capita cap funding system or requires that states receive that money through a Medicaid block grant funding system or a Medicaid per capita cap funding system or of any Section 1115 waiver sought by the executive commissioner;

·         facilitate a smooth transition from existing Medicaid payment systems and benefit designs to a new model of Medicaid that is enabled by such a waiver;

·         meet at the call of the co-chairs; and

·         research, take public testimony, and issue reports requested by the lieutenant governor or speaker of the house of representatives.


S.B. 1554 authorizes the committee to request reports and other information from HHSC and requires the committee to use existing staff of the senate, the house of representatives, and the Texas Legislative Council to assist the committee in performing its duties. The bill subjects the committee to state open meetings law.




On passage, or, if the bill does not receive the necessary vote, September 1, 2017.