Senate Research Center

S.B. 2105


By: Miles


Natural Resources & Economic Development










Every student deserves access to an education that will allow them to compete in a highly competitive workforce. However, not every student will pursue higher education. Middle-skill jobs, which may require some post-secondary education but not a full four-year degree, make up a large portion of Texas' labor market. By increasing Career and Technology Education (CTE) opportunities in public schools, students will be introduced to these rapidly growing job markets early on. Increasing CTE will allow industries in Texas to find enough sufficiently trained workers to fill these occupations, and will allow workers the opportunity to thrive in our communities.


S.B. 2105 requires the Texas Workforce Commission to provide information on all CTE partnership opportunities with business and industry, and professional development and learning opportunities (i.e., internships, industry mentorships, summer programs, after-school programs, career-based student leadership opportunities) that are available regionally. Instead of generalized classes that teach basic construction, this bill will open the door for programs tailored to the specific industries located in the community�increasing realistic CTE opportunities for students across the State of Texas and the incentive for partnerships with school districts and local industry.


S.B. 2105 amends current law relating to the requirement that the Texas Workforce Commission provide certain employment information for secondary school students.




This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency.




SECTION 1. Amends Section 302.014(a), Labor Code, as follows:


(a) Requires the Texas Workforce Commission to provide the Texas Education Agency with certain information at least each quarter, disaggregated by county or other appropriate region, including career and technical education partnership opportunities with business and industry, and professional development opportunities for teachers and learning opportunities for students through industry mentorships, internships, summer programs, after-school programs, and career-based student leadership opportunities. Makes nonsubstantive changes.


SECTION 2. Effective date: September 1, 2017.