relating to contract procurement, management, auditing, oversight, |
and evaluation of state agencies. |
SECTION 1. Section 441.1855, Government Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
BY STATE AGENCIES. Notwithstanding Section 441.185 or 441.187, a |
state agency: |
(1) for each contract entered into by the agency, |
shall retain in its records: |
(A) the [each] contract, including any contract |
modifications, [entered into by the state agency] and all contract |
solicitation documents related to the contract; |
(B) a copy of all general and internal |
correspondence related to the contract; |
(C) the records or minutes of all internal or |
external meetings related to the contract, including sign-in sheets |
or agendas; |
(D) a copy of all contractor invoices provided |
under the contract; |
(E) any information relating to discount |
provisions for prompt payment under the contract and any letters |
related to contract price deductions or fee adjustments; |
(F) a copy of all supporting documentation for |
contractor payments or progress payments under the contract; |
(G) a copy of any audits performed involving the |
contract; and |
(H) a copy of all conflict of interest |
documentation and forms required by law related to the contract; |
and |
(2) may destroy the contract and documents described |
by Subdivision (1) only after the seventh anniversary of the date: |
(A) the contract is completed or expires; or |
(B) all issues that arise from any litigation, |
claim, negotiation, audit, open records request, administrative |
review, or other action involving the contract or documents are |
resolved. |
SECTION 2. Subchapter C, Chapter 2261, Government Code, is |
amended by adding Section 2261.103 to read as follows: |
attorney representing a state agency shall assist in the drafting |
of a contract to be entered into by the agency in order to include |
the provisions listed in Subsection (b) and other provisions |
necessary to accomplish the agency's purposes. |
(b) The following are required provisions in each contract |
to which the provisions are applicable: |
(1) amendments; |
(2) antitrust; |
(3) applicable law and venue; |
(4) applicable law and conforming amendments; |
(5) assignments; |
(6) confidentiality and public information act; |
(7) equal opportunity; |
(8) federal, state, and local law requirements; |
(9) felony criminal convictions; |
(10) financial interests and gifts; |
(11) immigration; |
(12) no conflicts; and |
(13) right to audit. |
SECTION 3. Subchapter D, Chapter 2261, Government Code, is |
amended by adding Section 2261.152 to read as follows: |
agency may not make a payment to a vendor without a contract, |
invoice, or other documentation that clearly demonstrates the |
agency's obligation to make a payment. |
SECTION 4. This Act applies only in relation to a contract |
for which a state agency first advertises or otherwise solicits |
bids, proposals, offers, or qualifications on or after the |
effective date of this Act. |
SECTION 5. Section 2262.005, Government Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
AGENCIES]. The comptroller shall consult with state agencies, |
vendors, and other interested parties in developing rules, forms, |
contract terms, guides, manuals, and criteria required under this |
chapter. |
Section 6. Section 2262.051, Government Code, is amended by |
amending Subsections (a), (b), (c), (d), and (g) and adding |
Subsections (i) and (j) to read as follows: |
(a) In consultation with the attorney general, the |
Department of Information Resources, the [comptroller, and the] |
state auditor, and state agencies that award major contracts, the |
comptroller [commission] shall develop and [or] periodically |
update a contract management guide for use by state agencies. |
Participation by the state auditor under this subsection is subject |
to approval by the legislative audit committee for inclusion in the |
audit plan under Section 321.013(c). |
(b) The comptroller [commission] may adopt rules necessary |
to develop or update the guide. |
(c) The guide must provide information regarding the |
primary duties of a contract manager, including how to: |
(1) develop and negotiate a contract; |
(2) select a contractor; [and] |
(3) monitor contractor and subcontractor performance |
under a contract; and |
(4) encourage competition for goods and services |
purchased by this state. |
(d) The guide must include model provisions for state agency |
contracts. The guide must: |
(1) distinguish between essential provisions that a |
state agency must include in a contract to protect the interests of |
this state and recommended provisions that a state agency may |
include in a contract; |
(2) recognize the unique contracting needs of an |
individual state agency or program based on the size, nature, and |
type of goods or services purchased by the state agency or program |
and provide sufficient flexibility to accommodate those needs, |
consistent with protecting the interests of this state; |
(3) include maximum contract periods under which a new |
competitive solicitation is not necessary; and |
(4) include the model contract management process |
developed under Section 2262.104 and recommendations on the |
appropriate use of the model. |
(g) The guide must establish procedures under which a state |
agency is required to: |
(1) analyze the reasons [solicit explanations from
qualified potential respondents who did not respond to] a |
competitive solicitation for a contract received fewer than two |
qualified bids; and |
(2) develop and implement improved procurement |
practices, including: |
(A) providing earlier notice to prospective |
vendors of the state agency's intent to issue a competitive |
solicitation; |
(B) expanding the time in which a prospective |
vendor may respond to a competitive solicitation; |
(C) improving up-front communication between a |
state agency and a prospective vendor about the state agency's |
needs and objectives; and |
(D) improving educational efforts by the state |
agency to understand vendor capabilities, skills, and benefits [on
which fewer than two qualified bids were received by the agency]. |
(i) The guide must suggest best practices related to |
procurement metrics used by a state agency to measure and monitor |
the effectiveness of the state agency's procurement methods, |
including the: |
(1) number and value of procurements made by the state |
agency; |
(2) number of canceled procurements by the state |
agency; |
(3) reasons for canceled procurements; |
(4) common exceptions to the state agency's terms and |
conditions by a respondent; |
(5) number of responses per competitive solicitation; |
and |
(6) average length of time for each phase of the state |
agency's procurement processes, including the length of time: |
(A) between the date the state agency issues the |
competitive solicitation and the date the state agency begins |
receiving responses to the solicitation; |
(B) for the evaluation of responses to a |
competitive solicitation; |
(C) of the negotiation between the state agency |
and a vendor; and |
(D) between the date the state agency issues the |
competitive solicitation and the date the state agency awards a |
contract to a vendor. |
(j) The guide may include references to procurement |
maturity models and procurement readiness assessments used by other |
large public and private enterprises. |
SECTION 7. Section 2262, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Section 2262.155 to read as follows: |
MANAGEMENT. All major contracts as defined by Sec. 2262.001(4), |
Government Code, must have a contract manager as defined by Sec. |
2262.001(3), Government Code assigned to manage oversight of the |
contract. |
SECTION 8. Section 2251, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Section 2251.030 to read as follows: |
Sec. 2251.030. PAYMENTS TO VENDOR. No invoices shall be |
paid that do not directly correlate to a corresponding contract. |
(a) All payments shall require the approval and signature of |
two state employees. |
(1) If the contract has a contract manager assigned, |
the contract manager must be one of the two signatures. |
(b) If it is found that a payment was made without two |
signatures, the state can revoke that payment at any time. |
SECTION 9. Section 2155.144, Government Code, is amended by |
adding subsection (q) to read as follows: |
(q) An agency to which this section applies must perform a |
financial audit as described by Section 321.0131, Government Code, |
once every two years. The audit shall be performed by an |
independent auditor. The cost of the audit shall be contained |
within current appropriations. |
SECTION 10. Section 2102.0091, Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 2102.0091. REPORTS OF PERIODIC AUDITS. (a) A state |
agency shall file with the Sunset Advisory Commission, the |
Governor's Office of Budget, Planning, and Policy, the state |
auditor, and the Legislative Budget Board a copy of each report, |
action plans, and responses submitted to the state agency's |
governing board or the administrator of the state agency if the |
state agency does not have a governing board by the agency's |
internal auditor. |
SECTION 11. Section 2155.077, Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a-2) The comptroller shall may bar a vendor from |
participating in state contracts that are subject to this subtitle, |
including contracts for which purchasing authority is delegated to |
a state agency, if more than two contracts between the vendor and |
the state have been terminated by the state for unsatisfactory |
vendor performance during the preceding three years. |
SECTION 12. Section 2155.088, Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(c) Each material change that results in an increase of $1 |
million or more to the overall contract shall be reported by the |
agency and posted on their website. |
(1) These reports shall be subject to the Public |
Information Act. |
SECTION 13. Section 2155.074, Government Code, is amended |
by adding section 1 of Subsection C: |
(c) A state agency shall consult with and receive approval |
from the commission before considering factors other than price and |
meeting specifications when the agency procures through |
competitive bidding goods or services with a value that exceeds |
$100,000. |
(1) Commission approval shall be made in an open |
meeting and a copy of meeting minutes shall be included with the |
final executed contract. |
SECTION 14. Section 531.102, Government Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 531.102. OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL. (a) The |
commission's office of inspector general is responsible for the |
prevention, detection, audit, inspection, review, and |
investigation of fraud, waste, and abuse in the provision and |
delivery of all health and human services in the state, including |
services through any state-administered health or human services |
program that is wholly or partly federally funded, and the |
enforcement of state law relating to the provision of those |
services. The commission may obtain any information or technology |
necessary to enable the office to meet its responsibilities under |
this subchapter or other law. |
(a-7) The Inspector General shall appoint a Contract |
Internal Affairs Specialist to monitor and investigate the |
prevention, detection, audit, inspection, review, and |
investigation of fraud, waste, and abuse in Commission contracts. |
The Contract Internal Affairs Specialist may work with the State |
Auditor's Office, Office of the Governor, Quality Assurance Team, |
Contract Advisory Team, and Office of the Attorney General. The |
Contract Internal Affairs Specialist shall report to the Inspector |
General, Attorney General, and Governor on a quarterly basis and |
the report shall be posted on the Commission website. |
SECTION 15. Section 554.002, Government Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
VIOLATION OF LAW. (a) A state or local governmental entity may not |
suspend or terminate the employment of, or take other adverse |
personnel action against, a public employee who in good faith |
reports a violation of law or reporting contracting violations by |
the employing governmental entity or another public employee to an |
appropriate law enforcement authority. |
(b) In this section, a report is made to an appropriate law |
enforcement authority if the authority is a part of a state or local |
governmental entity or of the federal government that the employee |
in good faith believes is authorized to: |
(1) regulate under or enforce the law alleged to be |
violated in the report; or |
(2) investigate or prosecute a violation of criminal |
law. |
(c) Any employee or member of the public who reports an |
issue on a contract that realizes a savings shall receive 30% of |
that savings. |
SECTION 16. Section 2261.151, Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
RATES. (a) To ensure that its payment and reimbursement methods |
and rates are appropriate, each state agency that makes |
procurements to which this chapter applies shall reevaluate at |
least biennially its payment and reimbursement methods and rates, |
which shall not be paid more than once per month, especially methods |
and rates based on historical funding levels or on a formula |
established by agency rule rather than being based on reasonable |
and necessary actual costs incurred. |
SECTION 17. Section 2115.006, Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 2115.006. OVERPAYMENTS BY AGENCY. In the case of an |
overpayment made by the state, the vendor has 90 days to return the |
overage. If the overage is not returned in 90 days, the vendor is |
subject to a penalty of three times the amount of the overage. |
SECTION 18. Section 531.0057(b), Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) Subject to Section 531.024141, the [The] commission may |
contract with any public or private transportation provider or with |
any regional transportation broker for the provision of public |
transportation services. |
SECTION 19. Section 531.02412, Government Code, is amended |
by adding Subsection (b) to read as follows: |
(b) As part of the quality review assessment of the Medicaid |
medical transportation program under Subsection (a)(3), the |
commission shall hire a single independent vendor with appropriate |
expertise to conduct surveys of: |
(1) the satisfaction rates of Medicaid recipients who |
are receiving medical transportation program services; and |
(2) the unmet transportation needs of Medicaid |
recipients who are not receiving medical transportation program |
services and who are having difficulty obtaining transportation to |
health care appointments. |
SECTION 20. Section 531.02414(d), Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(d) Subject to Sections 531.024141 and [Section] 533.00257, |
the commission may contract with a public transportation provider, |
as defined by Section 461.002, Transportation Code, a private |
transportation provider, or a regional transportation broker for |
the provision of public transportation services, as defined by |
Section 461.002, Transportation Code, under the medical |
transportation program. |
SECTION 21. Subchapter B, Chapter 531, Government Code, is |
amended by adding Section 531.024141 to read as follows: |
(1) "Managed transportation organization" has the |
meaning assigned by Section 533.00257. |
(2) "Medical transportation program" has the meaning |
assigned by Section 531.02414. |
(b) Notwithstanding any other law, the commission shall use |
the most cost-effective delivery model for the provision of medical |
transportation program services throughout the state. In |
determining the most cost-effective delivery model, the commission |
shall, on a regional basis, consider using: |
(1) a managed transportation delivery model in which |
managed transportation organizations and providers operate under a |
capitated rate system in accordance with Section 533.00257; |
(2) a fee-for-service delivery model; or |
(3) other delivery models deemed appropriate by the |
commission. |
(c) Before soliciting bids for the provision of medical |
transportation program services in a region through a managed |
transportation delivery model or another selected delivery model |
deemed appropriate by the commission under Subsection (b)(3), the |
commission shall conduct an assessment to determine if the |
applicable model is more cost-effective than a fee-for-service |
delivery model. If the commission determines that the managed |
transportation delivery model or other selected delivery model is |
potentially more cost-effective than a fee-for-service delivery |
model, the commission shall establish a cost threshold for |
accepting bids for the provision of medical transportation program |
services in the region through a managed transportation delivery |
model or the other selected delivery model. |
(d) A cost threshold established under Subsection (c) must |
be: |
(1) expressed as a cost per unit, such as a cost per |
recipient or a cost per trip; and |
(2) based on historical data for the provision of |
medical transportation program services through a fee-for-service |
delivery model in the region. |
(e) If the commission receives bids at or below the cost |
threshold established under Subsection (c) from qualified managed |
transportation organizations or qualified vendors seeking to |
provide services under the other selected delivery model, the |
commission shall provide medical transportation program services |
in the region through a managed transportation delivery model or |
the other selected delivery model, as applicable, and shall award |
contracts to managed transportation organizations or vendors based |
on the price and quality of the services to be provided by the |
organization or vendor. |
(f) If the commission is unable to solicit bids from |
qualified managed transportation organizations or vendors at or |
below the cost threshold established under Subsection (c), the |
commission shall provide medical transportation program services |
through a fee-for-service delivery model in the region. |
(g) For purposes of this section, a delivery model's |
cost-effectiveness is based on the price and quality of the |
services delivered through the model, in addition to any other |
requirements established by applicable state and federal |
procurement laws. |
SECTION 22. Sections 533.00257(b) and (c), Government Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(b) If [Subject to Subsection (i),] the commission provides |
[shall provide] medical transportation program services [on a
regional basis] through a managed transportation delivery model in |
accordance with Section 531.024141, the commission shall use |
[using] managed transportation organizations and providers, as |
appropriate, that: |
(1) operate under a capitated rate system; |
(2) assume financial responsibility under a full-risk |
model; |
(3) operate a call center; |
(4) use fixed routes when available and appropriate; |
and |
(5) agree to provide data to the commission if the |
commission determines that the data is required to receive federal |
matching funds. |
(c) Subject to Section 531.024141, the [The] commission |
shall procure managed transportation organizations [under the
medical transportation program] through a competitive bidding |
process [for each managed transportation region as determined by
the commission]. |
SECTION 23. Sections 533.00257(i) and (j), Government Code, |
are repealed. |
SECTION 24. Section 531.024141, Government Code, as added |
by this Act, applies to a contract entered into or renewed on or |
after the effective date of this Act. A contract entered into or |
renewed before that date is governed by the law in effect |
immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is |
continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 25. If before implementing any provision of this |
Act a state agency determines that a waiver or authorization from a |
federal agency is necessary for implementation of that provision, |
the agency affected by the provision shall request the waiver or |
authorization and may delay implementing that provision until the |
waiver or authorization is granted. |
SECTION 26. Section 2156.0013, Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 2156.0013. IN-HOUSE FEASIBILITY. Prior to |
solicitation of bids, a report must be created evaluating the |
feasibility of an in-house solution for contracts from $1-5 |
million. |
(a) This only applies to procurement for services. |
(b) The agency must submit a written analysis explaining why |
an inter-agency solution is not achievable. |
(c) This report must be included in the procurement |
analysis. |
SECTION 27. Section 441.1855, Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
BY STATE AGENCIES. Notwithstanding Section 441.185 or 441.187, a |
state agency: |
(1) shall retain in its records each contract entered |
into by the state agency, and all contract solicitation documents |
related to the contract, appropriations expenditure matching, |
related audits, and other materials; and |
(2) Shall keep may destroy the contract and documents |
only the greater of: |
(A) completion of the contract, or |
(B) the seventh anniversary of the date: |
(1) the contract is completed or expires; |
or |
(2) all issues that arise from any |
litigation, claim, negotiation, audit, open records request, |
administrative review, or other action involving the contract or |
documents are resolved. |
SECTION 28. Section 322.025, Government Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
completion of each fiscal year, the board shall report how much of |
each agency's budget is spent in contracts for that fiscal year. |
SECTION 29. Section 2262, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Subchapter E to read as follows: |
Sec. 2262.200 CREATION; DUTIES (a) The Contract Outside |
Tactical Team is created to assist state agencies in improving IT |
contract management practices by: |
(1) reviewing and making recommendations on the |
solicitation documents, contract documents, scope of work, project |
timeline and management, documentation requirements, audit |
schedule and audit scope and technical issues for contracts of |
state agencies that have a value of at least $100 million; |
(2) The team consists of the following members: |
i. Outside Legal Counsel |
ii. Provider of Professional Consulting Services |
with expertise in contract subject matter |
(b) A governmental entity may not select a provider of |
professional consulting services or a group or association of |
providers or award a contract for the services on the basis of |
competitive bids submitted for the contract or for the services, |
but shall make the selection and award on the basis of demonstrated |
competence and qualifications to perform the services; and for a |
fair and reasonable price. |
(1) A state agency shall: |
(i) comply with a recommendation made under |
Subsection (a)(1); or |
(ii) submit a written explanation regarding why |
the recommendation is not applicable to the contract under review. |
SECTION 30. This Act takes effect September 1, 2017. |