85R4545 JAM-D
  By: Burkett H.B. No. 815
  relating to the regulatory analysis of rules proposed by the Texas
  Commission on Environmental Quality.
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter D, Chapter 5, Water Code, is amended
  by adding Section 5.1032 to read as follows:
         Sec. 5.1032.  ADOPTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RULES. (a)  In this
               (1)  "Benefit" has the meaning assigned by Section
  2001.0225, Government Code.
               (2)  "Cost" means a reasonably identifiable and
  significant direct or indirect economic effect.
               (3)  "Environmental effect" means a reasonably
  identifiable and quantifiable direct or indirect effect or outcome
  affecting the environment, including air, soil, or water quality.
               (4)  "Environmental rule" means a rule the specific
  intent of which is to protect the environment or reduce risks to
  human health from environmental exposure by the control of
  emissions or contaminants in the air, water, or soil.  The term does
  not include an emergency rule or a rule that provides only
  procedural requirements.
               (5)  "Small business" means a business that employs not
  more than 250 individuals.
         (b)  Before adopting an environmental rule, the commission
  shall conduct a regulatory analysis that considers the costs and
  environmental effects and benefits expected to result from
  implementation of and compliance with the rule.
         (c)  When giving notice of an environmental rule, the
  commission shall incorporate into the public benefits and costs
  note required by Section 2001.024, Government Code, an analysis
  describing the anticipated effects of the proposed rule. The
  analysis, at a minimum, must:
               (1)  identify the problem the rule is intended to
               (2)  identify the environmental effects and benefits
  that the commission expects to result from implementation of and
  compliance with the rule, including the projected level of
  reduction of pollutants or contaminants in air, water, and soil
               (3)  identify and describe the compliance costs that
  the commission expects that state agencies, local governments, the
  public, and the affected regulated entities, other than small
  businesses, will incur from implementation of and compliance with
  the rule; and
               (4)  identify and describe in a separate economic
  impact analysis the compliance costs that the commission expects
  that small businesses will incur from implementation of and
  compliance with the rule.
         (d)  In identifying the environmental effects and benefits
  of a rule under Subsection (c)(2), the commission shall include the
  modeled improvement for the criteria pollutant design value
  expected from implementation of the rule, if the rule will be
  submitted as a control measure in this state's air quality state
  implementation plan.
         (e)  After considering public comments submitted under
  Section 2001.029, Government Code, and determining that a proposed
  rule should be adopted, the commission shall prepare a final
  regulatory analysis that complies with Section 2001.033,
  Government Code.
         (f)  A person who submitted a comment in accordance with
  Section 2001.029, Government Code, may challenge the validity of an
  environmental rule that is not proposed and adopted in strict
  compliance with the procedural requirements of this section by
  filing an action for declaratory judgment as provided by Section
  2001.038, Government Code, not later than the 30th day after the
  effective date of the rule. If the court determines that an
  environmental rule was not proposed and adopted in strict
  compliance with the procedural requirements of this section, the
  rule is invalid except that a rule to be included in this state's
  air quality state implementation plan may not be invalidated for
  failure of strict compliance if the invalidation will prevent the
  timely implementation of a federal requirement.
         (g)  If a court determines that an environmental rule is
  invalid under Subsection (f), the provisions of Section 2001.040,
  Government Code, apply.
         SECTION 2.  The change in law made by this Act applies only
  to a rule proposed by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
  for which notice is given under Sections 2001.023 and 2001.024,
  Government Code, on or after December 1, 2017.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.