85R6596 MCK-F
  By: Blanco H.B. No. 1203
  relating to a requirement that certain state agencies report on
  border security operations.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 322, Government Code, is amended by
  adding Section 322.025 to read as follows:
         Sec. 322.025.  REPORT ON BORDER SECURITY OPERATIONS.  (a)  In
  this section:
               (1)  "Border security" means the activities in a
  reportable county associated with deterring crimes and enforcing
  state laws related to:
                     (A)  an offense under Chapters 19, 20, 20A, 22,
  34, 36, 46, and 71, Penal Code, that is punishable as a felony of the
  third degree or higher;
                     (B)  an offense under Chapter 481, Health and
  Safety Code, that is punishable as a felony of the third degree or
                     (C)  an offense under Section 31.03, Penal Code,
  in which the actor obtained another person's property by using
  actual or threatened force, violence, or fear or under the color of
  official right;
                     (D)  any offense that is coordinated with or
  related to activities or crimes that occur or are committed in the
  United Mexican States; or
                     (E)  any offense for which the state receives
  federal money to enhance law enforcement efforts relating to the
               (2)  "Reportable county" means a county:
                     (A)  adjacent to or a portion of which is located
  within 20 miles of an international border;
                     (B)  adjacent to two counties located on an
  international border with a population of more than 5,000 and less
  than 7,500 according to the most recent decennial census;
                     (C)  adjacent to the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway,
  as defined by Section 51.002, Transportation Code; or
                     (D)  with a population of more than 1 million.
         (b)  The Department of Public Safety, Texas Military
  Department, Parks and Wildlife Department, trusteed programs
  within the office of the governor, Texas Department of Criminal
  Justice, and any other state agency designated by the board shall
  report to the board twice each state fiscal year of the fiscal
  biennium ending August 31, 2019, the following:
               (1)  the amount of money the agency budgeted for border
  security and the amount of money the agency spent on border security
  during the reporting period in each reportable county and
               (2)  the method of finance for budgeted and expended
               (3)  the object of expense for budgeted and expended
               (4)  the amount of money the agency spent on employee
  salaries during the reporting period for duties related to border
  security, including regular and overtime pay, in each reportable
  county and statewide;
               (5)  the agency's performance related to border
  security during the reporting period in each reportable county and
  statewide including:
                     (A)  the arrest rates measuring the number of
  arrests by the agency in the state fiscal year compared to an
  average of the number of arrests in the immediately preceding five
  state fiscal years for human trafficking, illicit drug
  transportation or smuggling, stolen vehicles used in illicit drug
  transportation or smuggling, smuggling of persons, and organized
                     (B)  an illicit drugs seizure rate measuring the
  amount and type of illicit drugs seized by the agency in the state
  fiscal year compared to an average of the amount and type of illicit
  drugs seized by the agency for the immediately preceding five
  state fiscal years;
                     (C)  the total number and an itemized list of
  illicit drug interdictions in trafficking quantities by the agency;
                     (D)  the total number and an itemized list of
  currency seizures connected to organized crime arrests with amounts
  of currency by the agency; and
                     (E)  a currency seizure rate measuring the amount
  of currency seized by the agency in the state fiscal year compared
  to an average of the amount of currency seized by the agency for the
  immediately preceding five state fiscal years; and
               (6)  any other information relating to the agency's
  border security operations that the board may require.
         (c)  A state agency required by Subsection (b) to report
  information to the board shall submit information for the first
  half of a state fiscal year not later than March 31 of that year and
  information for the second half of a state fiscal year not later
  than September 30 of that year. The state agency shall submit the
  information in the manner prescribed by the board.
         (d)  This section expires January 1, 2020.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.