relating to removing the requirement for bilingual education and |
special language programs for certain students of limited English |
proficiency. |
SECTION 1. The heading to Subchapter B, Chapter 29, |
Education Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 2. Section 29.051, Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 29.051. STATE POLICY. English is the basic language of |
this state. Public schools are responsible for providing a full |
opportunity for all students to become competent in speaking, |
reading, writing, and comprehending the English language. [Large
numbers of students in the state come from environments in which the
primary language is other than English. Experience has shown that
public school classes in which instruction is given only in English
are often inadequate for the education of those students.] The |
mastery of basic English language skills is a prerequisite for |
effective participation in the state's educational program. |
[Bilingual education and special language programs can meet the
needs of those students and facilitate their integration into the
regular school curriculum. Therefore, in accordance with the
policy of the state to ensure equal educational opportunity to
every student, and in recognition of the educational needs of
students of limited English proficiency, this subchapter provides
for the establishment of bilingual education and special language
programs in the public schools and provides supplemental financial
assistance to help school districts meet the extra costs of the
programs.] |
SECTION 3. Subchapter B, Chapter 29, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 29.0515 to read as follows: |
Sec. 29.0515. SPECIAL LANGUAGE PROGRAMS. A school district |
with an enrollment of 20 or more students of limited English |
proficiency that speak the same primary language may offer |
bilingual education, instruction in English as a second language, |
English immersion, or other transitional language instruction. |
SECTION 4. Section 29.052, Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 29.052. DEFINITION [DEFINITIONS]. In this subchapter, |
"student [:
[(1) "Student] of limited English proficiency" means a |
student whose primary language is other than English and whose |
English language skills are such that the student has difficulty |
performing ordinary classwork in English. |
[(2) "Parent" includes a legal guardian of a student.] |
SECTION 5. Sections 29.053, 29.054, 29.055, 29.056, |
29.0561, 29.057, 29.058, 29.059, 29.060, 29.061, 29.062, 29.063, |
29.064, and 29.066, Education Code, are repealed. |
SECTION 6. Section 7.056(e), Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(e) Except as provided by Subsection (f), a school campus or |
district may not receive an exemption or waiver under this section |
from: |
(1) a prohibition on conduct that constitutes a |
criminal offense; |
(2) a requirement imposed by federal law or rule, |
including a requirement for special education or bilingual |
education programs; or |
(3) a requirement, restriction, or prohibition |
relating to: |
(A) essential knowledge or skills under Section |
28.002 or high school graduation requirements under Section 28.025; |
(B) public school accountability as provided by |
Subchapters B, C, D, E, F, G, and J, Chapter 39; |
(C) extracurricular activities under Section |
33.081 or participation in a University Interscholastic League |
area, regional, or state competition under Section 33.0812; |
(D) health and safety under Chapter 38; |
(E) purchasing under Subchapter B, Chapter 44; |
(F) elementary school class size limits, except |
as provided by Section 25.112; |
(G) removal of a disruptive student from the |
classroom under Subchapter A, Chapter 37; |
(H) at-risk programs under Subchapter C, Chapter |
29; |
(I) prekindergarten programs under Subchapter E, |
Chapter 29; |
(J) educator rights and benefits under |
Subchapters A, C, D, E, F, G, and I, Chapter 21, or under Subchapter |
A, Chapter 22; |
(K) special education programs under Subchapter |
A, Chapter 29; or |
(L) [bilingual education programs under
Subchapter B, Chapter 29; or
[(M)] the requirements for the first day of |
instruction under Section 25.0811. |
SECTION 7. Section 12.013(b), Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b) A home-rule school district is subject to: |
(1) a provision of this title establishing a criminal |
offense; |
(2) a provision of this title relating to limitations |
on liability; and |
(3) a prohibition, restriction, or requirement, as |
applicable, imposed by this title or a rule adopted under this |
title, relating to: |
(A) the Public Education Information Management |
System (PEIMS) to the extent necessary to monitor compliance with |
this subchapter as determined by the commissioner; |
(B) educator certification under Chapter 21 and |
educator rights under Sections 21.407, 21.408, and 22.001; |
(C) criminal history records under Subchapter C, |
Chapter 22; |
(D) student admissions under Section 25.001; |
(E) school attendance under Sections 25.085, |
25.086, and 25.087; |
(F) inter-district or inter-county transfers of |
students under Subchapter B, Chapter 25; |
(G) elementary class size limits under Section |
25.112, in the case of any campus in the district that fails to |
satisfy any standard under Section 39.054(e); |
(H) high school graduation under Section 28.025; |
(I) special education programs under Subchapter |
A, Chapter 29; |
(J) [bilingual education under Subchapter B,
Chapter 29;
[(K)] prekindergarten programs under Subchapter |
E, Chapter 29; |
(K) [(L)] safety provisions relating to the |
transportation of students under Sections 34.002, 34.003, 34.004, |
and 34.008; |
(L) [(M)] computation and distribution of state |
aid under Chapters 31, 42, and 43; |
(M) [(N)] extracurricular activities under |
Section 33.081; |
(N) [(O)] health and safety under Chapter 38; |
(O) [(P)] public school accountability under |
Subchapters B, C, D, E, F, G, and J, Chapter 39; |
(P) [(Q)] equalized wealth under Chapter 41; |
(Q) [(R)] a bond or other obligation or tax rate |
under Chapters 42, 43, and 45; and |
(R) [(S)] purchasing under Chapter 44. |
SECTION 8. Section 12.056(b), Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b) A campus or program for which a charter is granted under |
this subchapter is subject to: |
(1) a provision of this title establishing a criminal |
offense; and |
(2) a prohibition, restriction, or requirement, as |
applicable, imposed by this title or a rule adopted under this |
title, relating to: |
(A) the Public Education Information Management |
System (PEIMS) to the extent necessary to monitor compliance with |
this subchapter as determined by the commissioner; |
(B) criminal history records under Subchapter C, |
Chapter 22; |
(C) high school graduation under Section 28.025; |
(D) special education programs under Subchapter |
A, Chapter 29; |
(E) [bilingual education under Subchapter B,
Chapter 29;
[(F)] prekindergarten programs under Subchapter |
E, Chapter 29; |
(F) [(G)] extracurricular activities under |
Section 33.081; |
(G) [(H)] health and safety under Chapter 38; and |
(H) [(I)] public school accountability under |
Subchapters B, C, D, E, F, G, and J, Chapter 39. |
SECTION 9. Section 12.104(b), Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b) An open-enrollment charter school is subject to: |
(1) a provision of this title establishing a criminal |
offense; and |
(2) a prohibition, restriction, or requirement, as |
applicable, imposed by this title or a rule adopted under this |
title, relating to: |
(A) the Public Education Information Management |
System (PEIMS) to the extent necessary to monitor compliance with |
this subchapter as determined by the commissioner; |
(B) criminal history records under Subchapter C, |
Chapter 22; |
(C) reading instruments and accelerated reading |
instruction programs under Section 28.006; |
(D) accelerated instruction under Section |
28.0211; |
(E) high school graduation requirements under |
Section 28.025; |
(F) special education programs under Subchapter |
A, Chapter 29; |
(G) [bilingual education under Subchapter B,
Chapter 29;
[(H)] prekindergarten programs under Subchapter |
E or E-1, Chapter 29; |
(H) [(I)] extracurricular activities under |
Section 33.081; |
(I) [(J)] discipline management practices or |
behavior management techniques under Section 37.0021; |
(J) [(K)] health and safety under Chapter 38; |
(K) [(L)] public school accountability under |
Subchapters B, C, D, E, F, G, and J, Chapter 39; |
(L) [(M)] the requirement under Section 21.006 |
to report an educator's misconduct; |
(M) [(N)] intensive programs of instruction |
under Section 28.0213; and |
(N) [(O)] the right of a school employee to |
report a crime, as provided by Section 37.148. |
SECTION 10. Section 39.023(l), Education Code, as effective |
September 1, 2017, is amended to read as follows: |
(l) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules for the |
administration of the assessment instruments adopted under |
Subsection (a) in Spanish to students in grades three through five |
who are of limited English proficiency, as defined by Section |
29.052, whose primary language is Spanish, and who are not |
otherwise exempt from the administration of an assessment |
instrument under Section 39.027(a)(1) or (2). Each student of |
limited English proficiency whose primary language is Spanish, |
other than a student to whom Subsection (b) applies, may be assessed |
using assessment instruments in Spanish under this subsection for |
up to three years or assessment instruments in English under |
Subsection (a). [The language proficiency assessment committee
established under Section 29.063 shall determine which students are
administered assessment instruments in Spanish under this
subsection.] |
SECTION 11. Section 39.232(b), Education Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(b) A school campus or district is not exempt under this |
section from: |
(1) a prohibition on conduct that constitutes a |
criminal offense; |
(2) requirements imposed by federal law or rule, |
including requirements for special education or bilingual |
education programs; or |
(3) a requirement, restriction, or prohibition |
relating to: |
(A) curriculum essential knowledge and skills |
under Section 28.002 or high school graduation requirements under |
Section 28.025; |
(B) public school accountability as provided by |
Subchapters B, C, D, E, F, G, and J; |
(C) extracurricular activities under Section |
33.081; |
(D) health and safety under Chapter 38; |
(E) purchasing under Subchapter B, Chapter 44; |
(F) elementary school class size limits, except |
as provided by Subsection (d) or Section 25.112; |
(G) removal of a disruptive student from the |
classroom under Subchapter A, Chapter 37; |
(H) at risk programs under Subchapter C, Chapter |
29; |
(I) prekindergarten programs under Subchapter E, |
Chapter 29; |
(J) rights and benefits of school employees; or |
(K) special education programs under Subchapter |
A, Chapter 29[; or
bilingual education programs under
Subchapter B, Chapter 29]. |
SECTION 12. Section 39.309(c), Education Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(c) The Texas School Accountability Dashboard developed |
under Subsection (a) must include: |
(1) performance information for each school district |
and campus in areas specified by Subsection (b) and must allow for |
comparison between districts and campuses in each of the areas; |
(2) a comparison of the number of students enrolled in |
each school district, including: |
(A) the percentage of students of limited English |
proficiency, as defined by Section 29.052; |
(B) the percentage of students who are unschooled |
asylees or refugees, as defined by Section 39.027(a-1); |
(C) the percentage of students who are |
educationally disadvantaged; and |
(D) the percentage of students with |
disabilities; |
(3) a comparison of performance information for each |
district and campus disaggregated by race, ethnicity, and |
populations served by special programs, including special |
education[, bilingual education, and special language] programs; |
and |
(4) a comparison of performance information by subject |
area. |
SECTION 13. Section 382.05199(c), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(c) The applicant must publish notice at least once in a |
newspaper of general circulation in the municipality in which the |
plant is proposed to be located or in the municipality nearest to |
the proposed location of the plant. If the elementary or middle |
school nearest to the proposed plant provides a special language |
[bilingual education] program under [as required by] Subchapter B, |
Chapter 29, Education Code, the applicant must also publish the |
notice at least once in an additional publication of general |
circulation in the municipality or county in which the plant is |
proposed to be located that is published in the language taught in |
the special language [bilingual education] program. This |
requirement is waived if such a publication does not exist or if the |
publisher refuses to publish the notice. |
SECTION 14. Section 382.056(a), Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Section 382.0518(h), an applicant |
for a permit or permit amendment under Section 382.0518 or a permit |
renewal review under Section 382.055 shall publish notice of intent |
to obtain the permit, permit amendment, or permit review not later |
than the 30th day after the date the commission determines the |
application to be administratively complete. The commission by |
rule shall require an applicant for a federal operating permit |
under Section 382.054 to publish notice of intent to obtain a |
permit, permit amendment, or permit review consistent with federal |
requirements and with the requirements of Subsection (b). The |
applicant shall publish the notice at least once in a newspaper of |
general circulation in the municipality in which the facility or |
federal source is located or is proposed to be located or in the |
municipality nearest to the location or proposed location of the |
facility or federal source. If the elementary or middle school |
nearest to the facility or proposed facility provides a special |
language [bilingual education] program under [as required by] |
Subchapter B, Chapter 29, Education Code, the applicant shall also |
publish the notice at least once in an additional publication of |
general circulation in the municipality or county in which the |
facility is located or proposed to be located that is published in |
the language taught in the special language [bilingual education] |
program. This requirement is waived if such a publication does not |
exist or if the publisher refuses to publish the notice. The |
commission by rule shall prescribe the form and content of the |
notice and when notice must be published. The commission may |
require publication of additional notice. The commission by rule |
shall prescribe alternative procedures for publication of the |
notice in a newspaper if the applicant is a small business |
stationary source as defined by Section 5.135, Water Code, and will |
not have a significant effect on air quality. The alternative |
procedures must be cost-effective while ensuring adequate |
notice. Notice required to be published under this section shall |
only be required to be published in the United States. |
SECTION 15. This Act applies beginning with the 2017-2018 |
school year. |
SECTION 16. This Act takes effect immediately if it |
receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each |
house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. |
If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate |
effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2017. |