By: Allen, White (Senate Sponsor - Burton) H.B. No. 1426
         (In the Senate - Received from the House May 3, 2017;
  May 10, 2017, read first time and referred to Committee on Criminal
  Justice; May 19, 2017, reported adversely, with favorable
  Committee Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 7, Nays 1;
  May 19, 2017, sent to printer.)
Click here to see the committee vote
  COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR H.B. No. 1426 By:  Whitmire
  relating to the issuance of a certificate of relief from collateral
  consequences to certain persons placed on community supervision,
  including deferred adjudication community supervision, for certain
  criminal offenses.
         SECTION 1.  Title 1, Code of Criminal Procedure, is amended
  by adding Chapter 68 to read as follows:
         Art. 68.001.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
               (1)  "Certificate" means a certificate of relief from
  collateral consequences issued under this chapter.
               (2)  "Collateral consequence" means, as an indirect
  consequence of a person's criminal history record information, the
  revocation, suspension, or denial of licensure under Section
  53.021, Occupations Code.
               (3)  "Criminal history record information" has the
  meaning assigned by Section 411.082, Government Code.
         Art. 68.002.  ELIGIBILITY. Except as otherwise provided by
  this article, a person is eligible for a certificate if the person
  satisfactorily completed:
               (1)  a term of deferred adjudication community
  supervision and the judge has dismissed the proceedings and
  discharged the person under Article 42A.111; or
               (2)  a term of community supervision and the person's
  conviction is set aside under Article 42A.701.
         Art. 68.003.  PROVISION OR DENIAL OF CERTIFICATE.  (a)  Not
  later than the 30th day after the date the court receives
  verification that an individual has satisfactorily completed the
  eligibility requirements, as provided by Article 68.002, the court
               (1)  issue the certificate; or
               (2)  deny issuance of the certificate and provide the
  specific reason for the denial.
         (b)  In determining whether to issue a certificate to an
  eligible individual, the court shall consider the individual's
  conduct and progress following placement on community supervision,
               (1)  the individual's efforts to satisfactorily fulfill
  the conditions of community supervision;
               (2)  the individual's satisfactory participation in
  rehabilitative courses or programs, including substance abuse
  treatment, vocational training courses, cognitive intervention,
  anger management courses, high school equivalency programs, or
  other courses or programs, regardless of whether the participation
  was ordered as a condition of community supervision;
               (3)  the individual's past or current participation in
  community organizations or programs, including faith-based
  programs, 12-step or similar self-help chemical dependency
  recovery programs, or other pro-social organizations; and
               (4)  the individual's education or employment history
  following placement on community supervision, including whether
  the individual is employed or diligently attempting to obtain an
  education or seek employment.
         (c)  An individual whose petition for a certificate is denied
  may reapply for the issuance of a certificate relating to the same
  offense after the first anniversary of the denial.
         Art. 68.004.  CONTENT OF CERTIFICATE. A certificate must
  state that the recipient has completed a term of community
  supervision and all requirements imposed by the court related to
  the offense and is relieved of all penalties, disqualifications,
  and disabilities resulting from the offense.
         Art. 68.005.  EFFECT OF CERTIFICATE. (a) If a person has
  met the eligibility requirements under Article 68.002, the person's
  criminal history record information for the offense that is the
  subject of the certificate may not be used as grounds for denying,
  suspending, or revoking a professional or occupational license to
  the person, provided that the person is otherwise qualified for the
  license, unless the offense that is the subject of the certificate:
               (1)  was an offense:
                     (A)  under Chapter 21 or 43, Penal Code, other
  than an offense under Section 43.02(a) of that code; or
                     (B)  listed in Article 42A.054 or 62.001(5) or (6)
  of this code; or
               (2)  relates to the profession or occupation for which
  the person holds or is seeking a license.
         (b)  If a licensing authority is prohibited by law from
  granting a specific occupational license to a person who has been
  convicted of or placed on deferred adjudication community
  supervision for a specific offense, a certificate does not overcome
  that prohibition.
         (c)  Subsection (a) does not apply to a professional license
  issued under Subtitle A, Title 5, or Title 10, Occupations Code. An
  agency that issues licenses under those provisions shall comply
  with Sections 53.022 and 53.023 of that code in determining whether
  a person qualifies for a license.
         (d)  Subsection (a) does not prohibit a licensing agency from
  restricting a person to a provisional or probationary license.
         Art. 68.006.  NULLIFICATION OF CERTIFICATE. The effect of a
  person's certificate is nullified if the appropriate licensing
  authority finds that the person, after receiving the certificate,
  has committed an offense that is a Class A misdemeanor or higher
  category of offense.
         SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
  a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
  provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
  Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
  Act takes effect September 1, 2017.
  * * * * *