85R6700 JRR-F
  By: Thompson of Brazoria H.B. No. 2125
  relating to the establishment of a program for the collection,
  transportation, and recycling of architectural paint.
         SECTION 1.  Chapter 361, Health and Safety Code, is amended
  by adding Subchapter P to read as follows:
         Sec. 361.471.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
               (1)  "Architectural paint" means interior and exterior
  architectural coatings sold in containers of not more than five
  gallons. The term does not include industrial, original equipment,
  or specialty coatings.
               (2)  "Manufacturer" means a person that manufactures
  architectural paint that is sold or offered for sale in this state.
               (3)  "Post-consumer architectural paint" means
  architectural paint not used and no longer wanted by its purchaser.
               (4)  "Retailer" means a person who sells architectural
  paint directly to a consumer through a selling or distribution
  mechanism, including a sale using a catalog or the Internet.
  PAINT COLLECTION. (a)  A manufacturer shall establish, finance,
  manage, and maintain a program for the collection, transportation,
  recycling, and processing of architectural paint in accordance with
  this subchapter, either individually or collectively with other
  manufacturers. Each manufacturer is responsible for collecting,
  handling, transporting, recycling, and processing architectural
  paint through a program in accordance with this subchapter and
  rules adopted under this subchapter.
         (b)  A manufacturer or a group of manufacturers operating a
  program collectively may contract with a retailer to provide a
  point of collection for architectural paint, either in the
  retailer's place of business or elsewhere.
         (c)  A program established under this subchapter must:
               (1)  be approved by the commission;
               (2)  provide for convenient and available statewide
  collection of post-consumer architectural paint in urban and rural
  areas of this state;
               (3)  identify each manufacturer participating in the
  program and the brands of architectural paint sold by each
               (4)  provide for the development and implementation of
  strategies to reduce the generation of post-consumer architectural
               (5)  promote the reuse of post-consumer architectural
  paint; and
               (6)  provide for the collection, transportation,
  recycling, and processing of post-consumer architectural paint for
  end-of-product-life management, including recycling, energy
  recovery, and disposal, using policies that provide for:
                     (A)  recordkeeping that tracks and documents the
  use, reuse, or disposal of post-consumer architectural paint within
  this state and outside of this state; and
                     (B)  adequate environmental liability coverage
  for professional services and for the operations of contractors
  working for the manufacturer.
         Sec. 361.473.  COMMISSION APPROVAL OF PROGRAM.  (a)  Before
  implementing a program under this subchapter, a manufacturer or
  group of manufacturers shall submit to the executive director for
  approval a plan describing the program to be operated by the
  manufacturer or group of manufacturers.
         (b)  The executive director shall approve a program plan that
  demonstrates to the executive director's satisfaction that the
  program will comply with the requirements of Sections
  NONCOMPLIANT MANUFACTURERS. (a)  A manufacturer may not sell or
  offer for sale in this state architectural paint if the
  manufacturer is listed on the commission's Internet website as a
  noncompliant manufacturer.
         (b)  A retailer may not sell or offer for sale in this state
  architectural paint that is produced by a manufacturer that is
  listed on the commission's Internet website as a noncompliant
  manufacturer on the date the architectural paint was ordered from
  the manufacturer or its agent.
         (c)  Notwithstanding the prior approval of a program under
  Section 361.473, the commission may list as noncompliant any
  manufacturer or group of manufacturers that violates a provision of
  this subchapter, a rule adopted under this subchapter, or an order
  issued under Section 361.477.
         (d)  On the first day of each month, the commission shall
  post a list on its Internet website of manufacturers that are not in
  compliance with this subchapter.
         Sec. 361.475.  DISTRIBUTION OF INFORMATION.  (a)  A
  manufacturer or group of manufacturers shall promote the program
  established by the manufacturer or group of manufacturers under
  Section 361.472 and provide consumers with educational materials
  describing collection opportunities for post-consumer
  architectural paint and information promoting waste prevention,
  reuse, and recycling.
         (b)  At the time of sale to a consumer, a manufacturer or
  retailer selling or offering for sale architectural paint must
  provide the consumer with information on available
  end-of-product-life management options offered through the
  manufacturer's program established under Section 361.472.
         Sec. 361.476.  REPORT. (a)  Not later than September 1 of
  each year, a manufacturer, through a program established under
  Section 361.472, shall submit to the commission a report that
               (1)  the volume and type of post-consumer architectural
  paint the program collected in all regions of this state during the
  preceding calendar year;
               (2)  the volume of post-consumer architectural paint
  collected in this state by method of disposition, including reuse,
  recycling, energy recovery, and disposal;
               (3)  a description of the methods used to collect,
  transport, recycle, and process post-consumer architectural paint
  in this state;
               (4)  samples of educational materials provided to
  consumers of architectural paint, an evaluation of the methods used
  to disseminate those materials, and an assessment of the
  effectiveness of the education and outreach, including levels of
  waste prevention and reuse;
               (5)  an analysis of the environmental costs and
  benefits of collecting and recycling architectural paint; and
               (6)  any other information reasonably required by the
  commission to assess compliance with this subchapter.
         (b)  The information reported by a manufacturer under
  Subsection (a) is confidential and not subject to public disclosure
  under Chapter 552, Government Code, except that the commission may
  disclose the information in aggregate form.
         Sec. 361.477.  COMMISSION ORDER. The commission may order a
  manufacturer or group of manufacturers operating a program to
  revise the program and to take other necessary actions to comply
  with this subchapter.
         SECTION 2.  (a)  Not later than February 1, 2018, the Texas
  Commission on Environmental Quality shall adopt any rules or forms
  needed to implement Subchapter P, Chapter 361, Health and Safety
  Code, as added by this Act.
         (b)  Not later than March 1, 2018, the Texas Commission on
  Environmental Quality shall begin accepting plans seeking approval
  for and approving manufacturer's programs established under
  Subchapter P, Chapter 361, Health and Safety Code, as added by this
         (c)  A manufacturer is not required to implement a program
  under Subchapter P, Chapter 361, Health and Safety Code, as added by
  this Act, before September 1, 2018.
         (d)  The first report required by Section 361.476, Health and
  Safety Code, as added by this Act, is due September 1, 2019.
         SECTION 3.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of
  this section, this Act takes effect September 1, 2017.
         (b)  Sections 361.472, 361.474, 361.475, and 361.476, Health
  and Safety Code, as added by this Act, take effect September 1,