85R7036 AAF-D
  By: Gutierrez H.B. No. 2259
  relating to the issuance of specially marked driver's licenses and
  personal identification certificates to disabled veterans.
         SECTION 1.  Section 521.011, Transportation Code, is amended
  to read as follows:
  department and the Texas Veterans Commission shall jointly develop
  a one-page informational paper about veterans services provided by
  this state for veterans who receive:
               (1)  a driver's license with a designation under
  Section 521.1235; or
               (2)  a personal identification certificate with a
  [veteran's] designation under Section 521.102 [a one-page
  informational paper about veterans services provided by this
         SECTION 2.  Section 521.101(l), Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (l)  The application for the personal identification
  certificate must provide space for the applicant:
               (1)  to voluntarily list any information [military
  service] that may qualify the applicant to receive a personal
  identification certificate with a [veteran's] designation under
  Section 521.102; and
               (2)  to include proof required by the department to
  determine the applicant's eligibility to receive that designation.
         SECTION 3.  Section 521.102, Transportation Code, is amended
  by amending Subsections (a) and (c) and adding Subsection (b-1) to
  read as follows:
         (a)  In this section, "disabled veteran" and "veteran" have
  the meanings assigned by Section 521.1235 [means a person who:
               [(1)  has served in:
                     [(A)     the army, navy, air force, coast guard, or
  marine corps of the United States; or
                     [(B)     the Texas National Guard as defined by
  Section 431.001, Government Code; and
               [(2)     has been honorably discharged from the branch of
  the service in which the person served].
         (b-1)  If a disabled veteran provides proof sufficient to the
  department, the department, on request of the disabled veteran,
  shall include the designation "DISABLED VETERAN" on a personal
  identification certificate issued to the disabled veteran in an
  available space on the face of the personal identification
  certificate or on the reverse side of the personal identification
         (c)  The department shall provide to the recipient of a
  personal identification certificate with a [veteran's] designation
  under this section the informational paper described by Section
  521.011 at the time the certificate is issued.
         SECTION 4.  Section 521.1235, Transportation Code, is
  amended by amending Subsections (a) and (c) and adding Subsection
  (b-1) to read as follows:
         (a)  In this section:
               (1)  "Disabled veteran" means a veteran who has
  suffered a service-connected disability with a disability rating,
  as defined by Section 11.22, Tax Code, of:
                     (A)  at least 50 percent; or
                     (B)  40 percent if the rating is due to the
  amputation of a lower extremity.
               (2)  "Veteran" [, "veteran"] means a person who:
                     (A) [(1)]  has served in:
                           (i) [(A)]  the army, navy, air force, coast
  guard, or marine corps of the United States; or
                           (ii) [(B)]  the Texas National Guard as
  defined by Section 437.001, Government Code; and
                     (B) [(2)]  has been honorably discharged from the
  branch of the service in which the person served.
         (b-1)  If a disabled veteran provides proof sufficient to the
  department, the department, on request of the disabled veteran,
  shall include the designation "DISABLED VETERAN" on a driver's
  license issued to the disabled veteran in an available space on the
  face of the driver's license or on the reverse side of the driver's
         (c)  The department shall provide to the recipient of a
  driver's license with a [veteran's] designation under this section
  the informational paper described by Section 521.011 at the time
  the license is issued.
         SECTION 5.  Section 521.142(i), Transportation Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (i)  The application must provide space for the applicant:
               (1)  to voluntarily list any information [military
  service] that may qualify the applicant to receive a license with a
  [veteran's] designation under Section 521.1235; and
               (2)  to include proof required by the department to
  determine the applicant's eligibility to receive that designation.
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.