85R5422 JG-F
  By: Raymond H.B. No. 2590
  relating to the amelioration and informal dispute resolution
  processes for providers participating in certain Medicaid waiver
         SECTION 1.  Subchapter D, Chapter 161, Human Resources Code,
  is amended by adding Sections 161.0891 and 161.0892 to read as
         Sec. 161.0891.  AMELIORATION PROCESS. (a) In lieu of
  demanding payment of an administrative penalty assessed under
  Section 161.089, the commission may, in accordance with this
  section, allow the provider subject to the penalty to use, under the
  supervision of the commission, any portion of the amount of the
  penalty to ameliorate the violation or to improve services in the
  waiver program in which the provider participates.
         (b)  The commission shall offer amelioration to a provider
  under this section not later than the 10th day after the date the
  provider receives from the commission a final notification of the
  assessment of an administrative penalty that is sent to the
  provider after an informal dispute resolution process but before an
  administrative hearing.
         (c)  A provider to whom amelioration has been offered must
  file a plan for amelioration not later than the 45th day after the
  date the provider receives the offer of amelioration from the
  commission.  In submitting the plan, the provider must agree to
  waive the provider's right to an administrative hearing if the
  commission approves the plan.
         (d)  At a minimum, a plan for amelioration must:
               (1)  propose changes to the management or operation of
  the waiver program in which the provider participates that will
  improve services to or quality of care for clients in the program;
               (2)  identify, through measurable outcomes, the ways in
  which and the extent to which the proposed changes will improve
  services to or quality of care for clients in the waiver program;
               (3)  establish clear goals to be achieved through the
  proposed changes;
               (4)  establish a timeline for implementing the proposed
  changes; and
               (5)  identify specific actions necessary to implement
  the proposed changes.
         (e)  The commission may require that an amelioration plan
  propose changes that would result in conditions that exceed the
  requirements of a law or rule relating to the waiver program in
  which the provider participates.
         (f)  The commission shall approve or deny an amelioration
  plan not later than the 45th day after the date the commission
  receives the plan.  On approval of a provider's plan, the commission
  or the State Office of Administrative Hearings, as appropriate,
  shall deny a pending request for a hearing submitted by the
         (g)  The commission may not offer amelioration to a provider:
               (1)  more than three times in a two-year period; or
               (2)  more than one time in a two-year period for the
  same or similar violation.
         Sec. 161.0892.  INFORMAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION. (a) The
  executive commissioner by rule shall establish an informal dispute
  resolution process in accordance with this section.  The process
  must provide for adjudication by an appropriate disinterested
  person of disputes relating to a proposed enforcement action or
  related proceeding of the commission against a provider
  participating in a waiver program described by Section 161.089.  
  The informal dispute resolution process must require:
               (1)  a provider participating in a waiver program
  described by Section 161.089 to request informal dispute resolution
  not later than the 10th calendar day after the date of notification
  by the commission of the violation of a law or rule relating to the
  program; and
               (2)  the commission to complete the process not later
  than the 30th calendar day after the date of receipt of a request
  from a provider for informal dispute resolution.
         (b)  As part of the informal dispute resolution process
  established under this section, the commission shall contract with
  an appropriate disinterested person who is a nonprofit organization
  to adjudicate disputes between a provider participating in a
  program described by Section 161.089 and the commission concerning
  a statement of violations prepared by the commission.  Section
  2009.053, Government Code, does not apply to the selection of an
  appropriate disinterested person under this subsection.  The person
  with whom the commission contracts shall adjudicate all disputes
  described by this subsection.
         (c)  The executive commissioner shall adopt rules to
  adjudicate claims in contested cases.
         (d)  The commission may not delegate its responsibility to
  administer the informal dispute resolution process established by
  this section to another state agency.
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter D, Chapter 161, Human Resources Code,
  is amended by adding Sections 161.0881 and 161.0882 to read as
         Sec. 161.0881.  AMELIORATION PROCESS. (a) In lieu of
  demanding payment of an administrative penalty assessed under
  Section 161.088, the commission may, in accordance with this
  section, allow the provider subject to the penalty to use, under the
  supervision of the commission, any portion of the amount of the
  penalty to ameliorate the violation or to improve services in the
  waiver program in which the provider participates.
         (b)  The commission shall offer amelioration to a provider
  under this section not later than the 10th day after the date the
  provider receives from the commission a final notification of the
  assessment of an administrative penalty that is sent to the
  provider after an informal dispute resolution process but before an
  administrative hearing.
         (c)  A provider to whom amelioration has been offered must
  file a plan for amelioration not later than the 45th day after the
  date the provider receives the offer of amelioration from the
  commission.  In submitting the plan, the provider must agree to
  waive the provider's right to an administrative hearing if the
  commission approves the plan.
         (d)  At a minimum, a plan for amelioration must:
               (1)  propose changes to the management or operation of
  the waiver program in which the provider participates that will
  improve services to or quality of care for clients in the program;
               (2)  identify, through measurable outcomes, the ways in
  which and the extent to which the proposed changes will improve
  services to or quality of care for clients in the waiver program;
               (3)  establish clear goals to be achieved through the
  proposed changes;
               (4)  establish a timeline for implementing the proposed
  changes; and
               (5)  identify specific actions necessary to implement
  the proposed changes.
         (e)  The commission may require that an amelioration plan
  propose changes that would result in conditions that exceed the
  requirements of a law or rule relating to the waiver program in
  which the provider participates.
         (f)  The commission shall approve or deny an amelioration
  plan not later than the 45th day after the date the commission
  receives the plan.  On approval of a provider's plan, the commission
  or the State Office of Administrative Hearings, as appropriate,
  shall deny a pending request for a hearing submitted by the
         (g)  The commission may not offer amelioration to a provider:
               (1)  more than three times in a two-year period; or
               (2)  more than one time in a two-year period for the
  same or similar violation.
         Sec. 161.0882.  INFORMAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION. (a) The
  executive commissioner by rule shall establish an informal dispute
  resolution process in accordance with this section.  The process
  must provide for adjudication by an appropriate disinterested
  person of disputes relating to a proposed enforcement action or
  related proceeding of the commission against a provider
  participating in a waiver program described by Section 161.088.  
  The informal dispute resolution process must require:
               (1)  a provider participating in a waiver program
  described by Section 161.088 to request informal dispute resolution
  not later than the 10th calendar day after the date of notification
  by the commission of the violation of a law or rule relating to the
  program; and
               (2)  the commission to complete the process not later
  than the 30th calendar day after the date of receipt of a request
  from a provider for informal dispute resolution.
         (b)  As part of the informal dispute resolution process
  established under this section, the commission shall contract with
  an appropriate disinterested person who is a nonprofit organization
  to adjudicate disputes between a provider participating in a
  program described by Section 161.088 and the commission concerning
  a statement of violations prepared by the commission.  Section
  2009.053, Government Code, does not apply to the selection of an
  appropriate disinterested person under this subsection.  The person
  with whom the commission contracts shall adjudicate all disputes
  described by this subsection.
         (c)  The executive commissioner shall adopt rules to
  adjudicate claims in contested cases.
         (d)  The commission may not delegate its responsibility to
  administer the informal dispute resolution process established by
  this section to another state agency.
         SECTION 3.  (a) Section 1 of this Act takes effect only if
  the Act of the 85th Legislature, Regular Session, 2017, relating to
  nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted codes
  becomes law.
         (b)  Section 2 of this Act takes effect only if the Act of the
  85th Legislature, Regular Session, 2017, relating to
  nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted codes does
  not become law.
         SECTION 4.  As soon as practicable after the effective date
  of this Act, the executive commissioner of the Health and Human
  Services Commission shall adopt the rules necessary to implement
  the changes in law made by this Act.
         SECTION 5.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.