85R13402 CLG-F
  By: Oliveira H.B. No. 2826
  relating to partnerships, limited liability companies, and other
  domestic and foreign entities and to series of limited liability
  companies and foreign entities.
         SECTION 1.  Section 1.002(69-b), Business Organizations
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
               (69-b)  "Person" means an individual or a corporation,
  partnership, limited liability company, business trust, trust,
  association, or other organization, estate, government or
  governmental subdivision or agency, or other legal entity, or a
  series of a domestic limited liability company or foreign entity.
         SECTION 2.  Section 5.053(b), Business Organizations Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         (b)  Subsection (a) does not apply if the other entity or the
  person for whom the name is reserved or registered, as appropriate,
  provides to the secretary of state a notarized written statement of
  the entity's or person's consent to the use of the similar name.
  Sections 4.007 and 4.008 apply to a written consent to the use of a
  similar name under this subsection to the same extent those
  sections apply to filing instruments.
         SECTION 3.  The heading to Subchapter F, Chapter 5, Business
  Organizations Code, is amended to read as follows:
         SECTION 4.  Chapter 5, Business Organizations Code, is
  amended by adding Subchapter F-1 to read as follows:
         Sec. 5.301.  APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter
  applies to service of process, notice, or demand on a series of a
  domestic limited liability company or a series of a foreign entity.
         Sec. 5.302.  AGENT FOR SERIES. (a)  The registered agent
  designated and maintained by a domestic limited liability company
  or foreign entity under Subchapter E is an agent of each series of
  the company or entity for the purpose of service of process, notice,
  or demand required or permitted by law to be served on a particular
  series of the company or entity.
         (b)  A process, notice, or demand required or permitted by
  law to be served on a series of a domestic limited liability company
  or foreign entity that is served on the company's or entity's
  registered agent must include:
               (1)  the name of the company or entity; and
               (2)  the name of the series on which the process,
  notice, or demand is required or permitted to be served.
         Sec. 5.303.  DUTIES OF REGISTERED AGENT. (a)  For purposes
  of Section 5.206, on service or receipt of process, notice, or
  demand that complies with the requirements of Section 5.302(b), the
  only duties of the registered agent are to:
               (1)  receive or accept, and forward to the represented
  domestic limited liability company or foreign entity at the address
  most recently provided to the registered agent by the represented
  company or entity, the process, notice, or demand that is served on
  or received by the registered agent under Section 5.302(b); or 
               (2)  otherwise notify the represented company or entity
  at the address described by Subdivision (1) regarding the process,
  notice, or demand that is served on or received by the registered
  agent under Section 5.302(b). 
         (b)  The registered agent is not required to send a copy of
  the process, notice, or demand directly to the series of the
  represented domestic limited liability company or foreign entity.
         Sec. 5.304.  SERVICE ON SECRETARY OF STATE. (a)  The
  secretary of state is an agent of a series of a domestic limited
  liability company or foreign entity for purposes of service of
  process, notice, or demand on the series of the company or entity if
  the secretary of state is the agent of the company or entity
  pursuant to Section 5.251.
         (b)  The duplicate copies of a process, notice, or demand
  that are delivered to the secretary of state pursuant to Section
  5.252(a) as agent for a series of a domestic limited liability
  company or foreign entity must include:
               (1)  the name of the company or entity; and
               (2)  the name of the series of the company or entity on
  which the process, notice, or demand is to be served.
         (c)  For purposes of Section 5.253, after service on the
  secretary of state in compliance with the requirements of
  Subsection (b), the secretary of state shall send to the domestic
  limited liability company or foreign entity named in the process,
  notice, or demand one of the copies of the process, notice, or
  demand as provided in Section 5.253.
         (d)  The secretary of state is not required to send a copy of
  the process, notice, or demand directly to the series of the named
  domestic limited liability company or foreign entity.
         Sec. 5.305.  SERVICE ON GOVERNING PERSONS. (a)  Each
  governing person of a series of a domestic limited liability
  company as described by Section 101.608 is an agent of the series
  for the purpose of service of process, notice, or demand required or
  permitted by law to be served on the series.
         (b)  Each governing person of a series of a foreign entity is
  an agent of the series for the purpose of service of process,
  notice, or demand required or permitted by law to be served on the
  (a)  For purposes of Section 5.257, a process, notice, or demand may
  be served on a series of a domestic limited liability company by
  delivery of the process, notice, or demand to any governing person
  of the series as described by Section 101.608.
         (b)  For purposes of Section 5.257, a process, notice, or
  demand may be served on a series of a foreign entity by delivery of
  the process, notice, or demand to any governing person of the
         (c)  If the governing persons of a series of a domestic
  limited liability company or foreign entity are unknown or cannot
  be found, service on the series of the company or entity may be made
  in the same manner as service is made on unknown shareholders under
         (d)  Notwithstanding any disability or reinstatement of a
  domestic limited liability company or foreign entity, service of
  process under this section is sufficient for a judgment against a
  series of the company or entity or a judgment in rem against any
  property to which a series of the company or entity holds title.
         SECTION 5.  Section 9.105, Business Organizations Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  NAME. If the secretary of state determines that a foreign filing
  entity's name or the name under which it is registered to transact
  business in this state is the same as, deceptively similar to, or
  similar to a name of a filing entity or foreign filing entity as
  provided by or reserved or registered under this code, the
  secretary of state may not accept for filing the certificate of
  reinstatement unless the foreign filing entity amends its
  registration to change its name or obtains written consent for the
  use of the similar name. Sections 4.007 and 4.008 apply to a
  written consent for the use of a similar name under this section to
  the same extent those sections apply to filing instruments.
         SECTION 6.  Section 11.203, Business Organizations Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  NAME. If the secretary of state determines that a filing entity's
  name contained in a certificate of reinstatement filed under
  Section 11.202 is the same as, deceptively similar to, or similar to
  a name of a filing entity or foreign entity on file as provided by or
  reserved or registered under this code, the secretary of state may
  not accept for filing the certificate of reinstatement unless the
  filing entity contemporaneously amends its certificate of
  formation to change its name or obtains written consent for the use
  of the similar name. Sections 4.007 and 4.008 apply to a written
  consent for the use of a similar name under this section to the same
  extent those sections apply to filing instruments.
         SECTION 7.  Section 11.314, Business Organizations Code, is
  amended to read as follows:
  county in which the registered office or principal place of
  business in this state of a domestic partnership or limited
  liability company is located has jurisdiction to order the winding
  up and termination of the domestic partnership or limited liability
  company on application by an owner of [:
               [(1)  a partner in] the partnership or limited
  liability company if the court determines that:
               (1) [(A)]  the economic purpose of the entity
  [partnership] is likely to be unreasonably frustrated; [or]
               (2) [(B)]  another owner [partner] has engaged in
  conduct relating to the entity's [partnership's] business that
  makes it not reasonably practicable to carry on the business [in
  partnership] with that owner [partner]; or
               (3)  [(2)     an owner of the partnership or limited
  liability company if the court determines that] it is not
  reasonably practicable to carry on the entity's business in
  conformity with its governing documents.
         SECTION 8.  Section 101.052, Business Organizations Code, is
  amended by adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:
         (f)  A company agreement is enforceable by or against the
  limited liability company, regardless of whether the company has
  signed or otherwise expressly adopted the agreement.
         SECTION 9.  Section 101.054(a), Business Organizations
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Except as provided by this section, the following
  provisions may not be waived or modified in the company agreement of
  a limited liability company:
               (1)  this section;
               (2)  Section 101.101, 101.151, 101.206, 101.501,
  101.602(b), or 101.613;
               (3)  Chapter 1, if the provision is used to interpret a
  provision or define a word or phrase contained in a section listed
  in this subsection;
               (4)  Chapter 2, except that Section 2.104(c)(2),
  2.104(c)(3), or 2.113 may be waived or modified in the company
               (5)  Chapter 3, except that Subchapters C and E may be
  waived or modified in the company agreement; or
               (6)  Chapter 4, 5, [7,] 10, 11, or 12, other than
  Section 11.056.
         SECTION 10.  Section 101.305, Business Organizations Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 101.305.  MANAGER VACANCY.  (a)  Subject to Section
  101.306(b), a vacancy in the position of a manager of a limited
  liability company may be filled by:
               (1)  the affirmative vote of the majority of the
  remaining managers of the company, without regard to whether the
  remaining managers constitute a quorum; or
               (2)  the members [if the vacancy is a result of an
  increase in the number of managers, an election] at a [an annual or
  special] meeting of the company's members called for that purpose.
         (b)  A person elected to fill a vacancy in the position of a
  manager serves for the unexpired term, if any, of the person's
         SECTION 11.  Subchapter K, Chapter 101, Business
  Organizations Code, is amended by adding Section 101.503 to read as
  CERTAIN RECORDS.  (a)  A limited liability company that refuses to
  allow a member to examine and copy, on written request that complies
  with Section 101.502(a), records or other information described by
  that section is liable to the member for any cost or expense,
  including attorney's fees, incurred in enforcing the member's
  rights under Section 101.502. The liability imposed on a limited
  liability company under this subsection is in addition to any other
  damages or remedy afforded to the member by law.
         (b)  It is a defense to an action brought under this section
  that the person suing:
               (1)  has improperly used information obtained through a
  prior examination of the records or other information of the
  limited liability company or any other limited liability company,
  under Section 101.502; or
               (2)  was not acting in good faith or for a proper
  purpose in making the person's request for examination.
         SECTION 12.  Section 101.602, Business Organizations Code,
  is amended by adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
         (c)  Subsection (a) or any provision contained in a limited
  liability company agreement or certificate of formation pursuant to
  Subsection (a) does not restrict:
               (1)  a particular series or a limited liability company
  on behalf of a particular series from expressly agreeing in the
  company agreement or other written agreement that any or all of the
  debts, liabilities, obligations, and expenses incurred, contracted
  for, or otherwise existing with respect to the company generally or
  any other series of the company shall be enforceable against the
  assets of that particular series; or
               (2)  a limited liability company from expressly
  agreeing in the company agreement or other written agreement that
  any or all of the debts, liabilities, obligations, and expenses
  incurred, contracted for, or otherwise existing with respect to a
  particular series shall be enforceable against the assets of the
  company generally.
         SECTION 13.  Section 101.605, Business Organizations Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 101.605.  GENERAL POWERS OF SERIES.  A series
  established under this subchapter has the power and capacity, in
  the series' own name, to:
               (1)  sue and be sued;
               (2)  contract;
               (3)  acquire, sell, and hold title to assets of the
  series, including real property, personal property, and intangible
               (4)  grant liens and security interests in assets of
  the series;
               (5)  be a promoter, organizer, partner, owner, member,
  associate, or manager of an organization; and
               (6) [(5)]  exercise any power or privilege as necessary
  or appropriate to the conduct, promotion, or attainment of the
  business, purposes, or activities of the series.
         SECTION 14.  Sections 152.212(b) and (c), Business
  Organizations Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A partnership shall keep or make available its books and
  records, if any, at its chief executive office.
         (c)  A partnership shall make available or provide access to
  its books and records to a partner or an agent or attorney of a
         SECTION 15.  Subchapter L, Chapter 153, Business
  Organizations Code, is amended by adding Section 153.5521 to read
  as follows:
  CERTAIN RECORDS.  (a)  A limited partnership that refuses to allow a
  partner or assignee of a partnership interest to examine and copy,
  on written request that complies with Section 153.552(a), records
  or other information described by that section is liable to the
  partner or assignee for any cost or expense, including attorney's
  fees, incurred in enforcing the partner's or assignee's rights
  under Section 153.552. The liability imposed on a limited
  partnership under this subsection is in addition to any other
  damages or remedy afforded to the partner or assignee by law.
         (b)  It is a defense to an action brought under this section
  that the person suing:
               (1)  has improperly used information obtained through a
  prior examination of the records or other information of the
  limited partnership or any other limited partnership under Section
  153.552; or
               (2)  was not acting in good faith or for a proper
  purpose in making the person's request for examination.
         SECTION 16.  Section 154.101(a), Business Organizations
  Code, is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A [written] partnership agreement may establish or
  provide for the future creation of additional classes or groups of
  one or more partners that have certain express relative rights,
  powers, and duties, including voting rights. The future creation
  of additional classes or groups may be expressed in the partnership
  agreement or at the time of creation of the class or group.
         SECTION 17.  Section 154.102, Business Organizations Code,
  is amended to read as follows:
         Sec. 154.102.  PROVISIONS RELATING TO VOTING. A [written]
  partnership agreement that grants or provides for granting a right
  to vote to a partner may contain a provision relating to:
               (1)  giving notice of the time, place, or purpose of a
  meeting at which a matter is to be voted on by the partners;
               (2)  waiver of notice;
               (3)  action by consent without a meeting;
               (4)  the establishment of a record date;
               (5)  quorum requirements;
               (6)  voting in person or by proxy; or
               (7)  other matters relating to the exercise of the
  right to vote.
         SECTION 18.  Subchapter B, Chapter 154, Business
  Organizations Code, is amended by adding Section 154.105 to read as
  A partnership agreement is enforceable by or against the
  partnership, regardless of whether the partnership has signed or
  otherwise expressly adopted the agreement.
         SECTION 19.  Section 154.103, Business Organizations Code,
  is repealed.
         SECTION 20.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.