85R8656 MCK-D
  By: Frank H.B. No. 3316
  relating to certain suits affecting the parent-child relationship.
         SECTION 1.  Section 161.001(b), Family Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (b)  The court may order termination of the parent-child
  relationship if the court finds by clear and convincing evidence:
               (1)  that the parent has:
                     (A)  voluntarily left the child alone or in the
  possession of another not the parent and expressed an intent not to
                     (B)  voluntarily left the child alone or in the
  possession of another not the parent without expressing an intent
  to return, without providing for the adequate support of the child,
  and remained away for a period of at least three months;
                     (C)  voluntarily left the child alone or in the
  possession of another without providing adequate support of the
  child and remained away for a period of at least six months;
                     (D)  knowingly placed or knowingly allowed the
  child to remain in conditions or surroundings which endanger the
  physical or emotional well-being of the child;
                     (E)  engaged in conduct or knowingly placed the
  child with persons who engaged in conduct which endangers the
  physical or emotional well-being of the child;
                     (F)  failed to support the child in accordance
  with the parent's ability during a period of one year ending within
  six months of the date of the filing of the petition;
                     (G)  abandoned the child without identifying the
  child or furnishing means of identification, and the child's
  identity cannot be ascertained by the exercise of reasonable
                     (H)  voluntarily, and with knowledge of the
  pregnancy, abandoned the mother of the child beginning at a time
  during her pregnancy with the child and continuing through the
  birth, failed to provide adequate support or medical care for the
  mother during the period of abandonment before the birth of the
  child, and remained apart from the child or failed to support the
  child since the birth;
                     (I)  contumaciously refused to submit to a
  reasonable and lawful order of a court under Subchapter D, Chapter
                     (J)  been the major cause of[:
                           [(i)     the failure of the child to be enrolled
  in school as required by the Education Code; or
                           [(ii)]  the child's absence from the child's
  home without the consent of the parents or guardian for a
  substantial length of time or without the intent to return;
                     (K)  executed before or after the suit is filed an
  unrevoked or irrevocable affidavit of relinquishment of parental
  rights as provided by this chapter;
                     (L)  been convicted or has been placed on
  community supervision, including deferred adjudication community
  supervision, for being criminally responsible for the death or
  serious injury of a child under the following sections of the Penal
  Code, or under a law of another jurisdiction that contains elements
  that are substantially similar to the elements of an offense under
  one of the following Penal Code sections, or adjudicated under
  Title 3 for conduct that caused the death or serious injury of a
  child and that would constitute a violation of one of the following
  Penal Code sections:
                           (i)  Section 19.02 (murder);
                           (ii)  Section 19.03 (capital murder);
                           (iii)  Section 19.04 (manslaughter);
                           (iv)  Section 21.11 (indecency with a
                           (v)  Section 22.01 (assault);
                           (vi)  Section 22.011 (sexual assault);
                           (vii)  Section 22.02 (aggravated assault);
                           (viii)  Section 22.021 (aggravated sexual
                           (ix)  Section 22.04 (injury to a child,
  elderly individual, or disabled individual);
                           (x)  Section 22.041 (abandoning or
  endangering child);
                           (xi)  Section 25.02 (prohibited sexual
                           (xii)  Section 43.25 (sexual performance by
  a child);
                           (xiii)  Section 43.26 (possession or
  promotion of child pornography);
                           (xiv)  Section 21.02 (continuous sexual
  abuse of young child or children);
                           (xv)  Section 20A.02(a)(7) or (8)
  (trafficking of persons); and
                           (xvi)  Section 43.05(a)(2) (compelling
                     (M)  had his or her parent-child relationship
  terminated with respect to another child based on a finding that the
  parent's conduct was in violation of Paragraph (D) or (E) or
  substantially equivalent provisions of the law of another state;
                     (N)  constructively abandoned the child who has
  been in the permanent or temporary managing conservatorship of the
  Department of Family and Protective Services for not less than six
  months, and:
                           (i)  the department has made reasonable
  efforts to return the child to the parent;
                           (ii)  the parent has not regularly visited
  or maintained significant contact with the child; and
                           (iii)  the parent has demonstrated an
  inability to provide the child with a safe environment;
                     (O)  failed to comply with the provisions of a
  court order that specifically established the actions necessary for
  the parent to obtain the return of the child who has been in the
  permanent or temporary managing conservatorship of the Department
  of Family and Protective Services for not less than nine months as a
  result of the child's removal from the parent under Chapter 262 for
  the abuse or neglect of the child;
                     (P)  used a controlled substance, as defined by
  Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code, in a manner that endangered the
  health or safety of the child, and:
                           (i)  failed to complete a court-ordered
  substance abuse treatment program; or
                           (ii)  after completion of a court-ordered
  substance abuse treatment program, continued to abuse a controlled
                     (Q)  knowingly engaged in criminal conduct that
  has resulted in the parent's:
                           (i)  conviction of an offense; and
                           (ii)  confinement or imprisonment and
  inability to care for the child for not less than two years from the
  date of filing the petition;
                     (R)  been the cause of the child being born
  addicted to alcohol or a controlled substance, other than a
  controlled substance legally obtained by prescription;
                     (S)  voluntarily delivered the child to a
  designated emergency infant care provider under Section 262.302
  without expressing an intent to return for the child; or
                     (T)  been convicted of:
                           (i)  the murder of the other parent of the
  child under Section 19.02 or 19.03, Penal Code, or under a law of
  another state, federal law, the law of a foreign country, or the
  Uniform Code of Military Justice that contains elements that are
  substantially similar to the elements of an offense under Section
  19.02 or 19.03, Penal Code;
                           (ii)  criminal attempt under Section 15.01,
  Penal Code, or under a law of another state, federal law, the law of
  a foreign country, or the Uniform Code of Military Justice that
  contains elements that are substantially similar to the elements of
  an offense under Section 15.01, Penal Code, to commit the offense
  described by Subparagraph (i); or
                           (iii)  criminal solicitation under Section
  15.03, Penal Code, or under a law of another state, federal law, the
  law of a foreign country, or the Uniform Code of Military Justice
  that contains elements that are substantially similar to the
  elements of an offense under Section 15.03, Penal Code, of the
  offense described by Subparagraph (i); and
               (2)  that termination is in the best interest of the
         SECTION 2.  Subchapter B, Chapter 161, Family Code, is
  amended by adding Section 161.1011 to read as follows:
  MORE THAN ONE CHILD.  (a)  Before filing a petition for the
  termination of the parent-child relationship relating to more than
  one child, the Department of Family and Protective Services must
  determine whether any court has continuing, exclusive jurisdiction
  of a child named in the petition.  If a court is determined to have
  continuing, exclusive jurisdiction of a child named in the
  petition, the department shall file the petition in that court.
         (b)  If more than one court has continuing, exclusive
  jurisdiction of a child named in the petition, the department shall
  file the petition in the court that has most recently exercised
  continuing, exclusive jurisdiction of a child named in the
         SECTION 3.  Section 161.206, Family Code, is amended by
  adding Subsection (a-1) to read as follows:
         (a-1)  In a suit filed by the Department of Family and
  Protective Services seeking termination of the parent-child
  relationship for both parents of the child, the court may order
  termination of the parent-child relationship for both parents only
  if the court finds by clear and convincing evidence grounds for the
  termination of the parent-child relationship for each parent. An
  order rendered under this subsection must state the grounds for
  terminating the parent-child relationship for each parent.
         SECTION 4.  Section 263.401, Family Code, is amended to read
  as follows:
  EXTENSION. (a) Unless the court has commenced the trial on the
  merits or granted an extension under Subsection (b) or (b-1), on the
  first Monday after the first anniversary of the date the court
  rendered a temporary order appointing the department as temporary
  managing conservator, the court's jurisdiction over [court shall
  dismiss] the suit affecting the parent-child relationship filed by
  the department that requests termination of the parent-child
  relationship or requests that the department be named conservator
  of the child is terminated and the suit is automatically dismissed
  without a court order.
         (b)  Unless the court has commenced the trial on the merits,
  the court may not retain the suit on the court's docket after the
  time described by Subsection (a) unless the court finds that
  extraordinary circumstances necessitate the child remaining in the
  temporary managing conservatorship of the department and that
  continuing the appointment of the department as temporary managing
  conservator is in the best interest of the child. If the court
  makes those findings, the court may retain the suit on the court's
  docket for a period not to exceed 180 days after the time described
  by Subsection (a). If the court retains the suit on the court's
  docket, the court shall render an order in which the court:
               (1)  schedules the new date on which the suit will be
  automatically dismissed if the trial on the merits has not
  commenced, which date must be not later than the 180th day after the
  time described by Subsection (a);
               (2)  makes further temporary orders for the safety and
  welfare of the child as necessary to avoid further delay in
  resolving the suit; and
               (3)  sets the trial on the merits on a date not later
  than the date specified under Subdivision (1).
         (b-1)  If, after commencement of the initial trial on the
  merits within the time required by Subsection (a) or (b), the court
  grants a motion for a new trial or mistrial, or the case is remanded
  to the court by an appellate court following an appeal of the
  court's final order, the court shall retain the suit on the court's
  docket and render an order in which the court:
               (1)  schedules a new date on which the suit will be
  automatically dismissed if the new trial has not commenced, which
  must be a date not later than the 180th day after the date on which:
                     (A)  the motion for a new trial or mistrial is
  granted; or
                     (B)  the appellate court remanded the case;
               (2)  makes further temporary orders for the safety and
  welfare of the child as necessary to avoid further delay in
  resolving the suit; and
               (3)  sets the new trial on the merits for a date not
  later than the date specified under Subdivision (1).
         (c)  If the court grants an extension under Subsection (b) or
  (b-1) but does not commence the trial on the merits before the
  dismissal date, the court's jurisdiction over [court shall dismiss]
  the suit is terminated and the suit is automatically dismissed
  without a court order. The court may not grant an additional
  extension that extends the suit beyond the required date for
  dismissal under Subsection (b) or (b-1), as applicable.
         SECTION 5.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only to
  a suit affecting the parent-child relationship pending in a trial
  court on the effective date of this Act or filed on or after the
  effective date of this Act. A suit affecting the parent-child
  relationship in which a final order is rendered before the
  effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the
  date the order was rendered, and the former law is continued in
  effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.