relating to the creation of a strategic plan for expanding access to |
long-acting reversible contraception. |
SECTION 1. (a) In this section: |
(1) "Department" means the Department of State Health |
Services. |
(2) "Long-acting reversible contraception" means a |
method of birth control that provides effective contraception for |
an extended period without requiring user action. The term |
includes an injection, intrauterine device, and subdermal |
contraceptive implant. |
(3) "Plan" means the long-acting reversible |
contraception strategic plan established under this section. |
(b) The department shall develop the long-acting reversible |
contraception strategic plan to significantly reduce barriers to |
patient access to long-acting reversible contraception. The plan |
must include specific methods for accomplishing this goal. |
(c) In developing the plan, the department shall |
collaborate with the Texas Collaborative for Healthy Mothers and |
Babies and may convene any necessary workgroup. The members of a |
workgroup convened under this section may include: |
(1) obstetricians; |
(2) hospital personnel; |
(3) recipients of long-acting reversible |
contraceptives; |
(4) public advocates concerned with issues related to |
long-acting reversible contraceptives; |
(5) representatives of community-based and |
faith-based organizations involved in providing education, |
awareness, or support relating to long-acting reversible |
contraceptives; and |
(6) any other person the department determines has the |
necessary knowledge or experience. |
(d) In developing the plan, the department shall: |
(1) identify barriers for Medicaid recipients and |
those without health benefit plan coverage to access to a |
long-acting reversible contraceptive, including specific barriers |
related to: |
(A) health care provider billing and |
reimbursement procedures; and |
(B) training of health care providers regarding |
the provision of a long-acting reversible contraceptive; |
(2) review potential costs, challenges, and benefits |
of presumptive eligibility strategies and identify methods for |
covering, defraying, or minimizing those costs; |
(3) develop methods for creating partnerships with |
public and private entities to increase public and provider |
education and awareness concerning long-acting reversible |
contraceptives; and |
(4) make written recommendations to the legislature on |
policy changes and funding needed to implement the plan. |
(e) Not later than December 31, 2018, the department shall |
deliver to the governor and members of the legislature the plan |
developed under this section and recommendations on quality |
improvement and goal implementation related to the plan. |
(f) This Act expires June 1, 2019. |
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2017. |