By: King of Uvalde H.B. No. 3466
  relating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of dealer's
  heavy equipment inventory and the prepayment of taxes on that
         SECTION 1.  Sections 23.1241(a)(1) and (2), Tax Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
               (1)  "Dealer" means a person engaged in the business in
  this state of selling, leasing, or renting heavy equipment.  The
  term does not include a bank, savings bank, savings and loan
  association, credit union, or other finance company.  In addition,
  for purposes of taxation of a person's inventory of heavy equipment
  in a tax year, the term does not include a person whose sales from
  the person's heavy equipment inventory are made predominately to
  dealers [who renders the person's inventory of heavy equipment for
  taxation in that tax year by filing a rendition statement or
  property report in accordance with Chapter 22].
               (2)  "Dealer's heavy equipment inventory" means all
  items of heavy equipment that a dealer holds for sale, lease, or
  rent in this state during a tax year [12-month period].
         SECTION 2.  Section 23.1241, Tax Code, is amended by
  amending subsections (b), (b-1), (c), (d), (f) and by adding
  subsection (g-1) to read as follows:
         (b)  For the purpose of the computation of property tax, the
  market value of a dealer's heavy equipment inventory on January 1 is
  determined by adding the market value of that inventory as
  determined by the dealer on the last day of each month of the
  preceding tax year to produce a sum, and dividing that sum [the
  total annual sales, less sales to dealers, fleet transactions, and
  subsequent sales, for the 12-month period corresponding to the
  preceding tax year, divided] by 12.
         (b-1)  A dealer shall determine the [For the purpose of the
  computation of property tax on the] market value of [the dealer's
  heavy equipment inventory, the sales price of] an item of heavy
  equipment for a month in which the item of heavy equipment was part
  of the dealer's heavy equipment inventory for only a portion of that
  month in the manner provided by this subsection.  The dealer shall
  multiply the market value of the item of heavy equipment in that
  month by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of days
  that the item of heavy equipment was part of the dealer's heavy
  equipment inventory in that month, and the denominator of which is
  the number of days in that month [that is sold during the preceding
  tax year after being leased or rented for a portion of that same tax
  year is considered to be the sum of the sales price of the item plus
  the total lease and rental payments received for the item in the
  preceding tax year].
         (c)  For the purpose of the computation of property tax on
  the market value of the dealer's heavy equipment inventory of an
  owner who was not a dealer on January 1 of the preceding tax year,
  the [chief appraiser shall estimate the] market value of the
  dealer's heavy equipment inventory is determined by adding the
  market value of that inventory as determined by the dealer on the
  last day of each month of the preceding tax year in which the person
  was a dealer to produce a sum, and dividing that sum by the number of
  months in the preceding tax year in which the person was a dealer.  
  [In making the estimate required by this subsection, the chief
  appraiser shall extrapolate using sales data, if any, generated by
  sales from the dealer's heavy equipment inventory in the preceding
  tax year.]
         (d)  Except for dealer's heavy equipment inventory, personal
  property held by a dealer is appraised as provided by the other
  sections of this code.  [In the case of a dealer whose sales from the
  dealer's heavy equipment inventory are made predominately to other
  dealers, the chief appraiser shall appraise the dealer's heavy
  equipment inventory as provided by Section 23.12.]
         (f)  The comptroller by rule shall adopt a dealer's heavy
  equipment inventory declaration form.  Except as provided by
  Section 23.1242(k), not later than February 1 of each year, or, in
  the case of a dealer who was not in business on January 1, not later
  than 30 days after commencement of business, each dealer shall file
  a declaration with the chief appraiser for the appraisal district
  in which the dealer's heavy equipment inventory has taxable situs
  as determined under Section 21.02 and file a copy with the
  collector.  The declaration is sufficient to comply with this
  subsection if it sets forth:
               (1)  the name and business address of each location at
  which the declarant conducts business;
               (2)  a statement that the declarant is the owner of a
  dealer's heavy equipment inventory; and
               (3)  the market value of the declarant's heavy
  equipment inventory for the current tax year as computed under
  Subsection (b) or (c), as applicable.
         (g-1)  If the chief appraiser determines that the values of
  the heavy equipment as reported by the dealer are inaccurate, the
  chief appraiser may reappraise the heavy equipment at its market
  value, place that value on the appraisal role, and give notices and
  opportunity to protest as otherwise provided in this Code.
         SECTION 3.  Section 23.1242(a)(2), Tax Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
               (2)  "Dealer's heavy equipment inventory,"
  "declaration," and "dealer[,]" ["sales price," "subsequent sale,"
  and "total annual sales"] have the meanings assigned those terms by
  Section 23.1241.
         SECTION 4.  Sections 23.1242(b), (d), (e), (f), and (g), Tax
  Code, are amended to read as follows:
         (b)  An [Except for an item of heavy equipment sold to a
  dealer, an item of heavy equipment included in a fleet transaction,
  an item of heavy equipment that is the subject of a subsequent sale,
  or an item of heavy equipment that is subject to a lease or rental,
  an] owner or a person who has agreed by contract to pay the owner's
  current year property taxes levied against the owner's heavy
  equipment inventory shall assign a unit property tax to each item of
  [heavy equipment sold from a] dealer's heavy equipment inventory
  that is in the dealer's inventory on the last day of the preceding
  month.  [In the case of a lease or rental, the owner shall assign a
  unit property tax to each item of heavy equipment leased or rented.]  
  The unit property tax of each item of heavy equipment is determined
  by multiplying the market value [sales price] of the item [or the
  monthly lease or rental payment received for the item, as
  applicable,] by the unit property tax factor.  If the transaction is
  a lease or rental, the owner shall collect the unit property tax
  from the lessee or renter at the time the lessee or renter submits
  payment for the lease or rental.  The owner of the equipment shall
  state the amount of the unit property tax assigned as a separate
  line item on an invoice.  On or before the 10th day of each month the
  owner shall, together with the statement filed by the owner as
  required by this section, deposit with the collector an amount
  equal to the total of unit property tax assigned to all items of
  heavy equipment [sold, leased, or rented] from the dealer's heavy
  equipment inventory in the preceding month to which a unit property
  tax was assigned.  The money shall be deposited by the collector to
  the credit of the owner's escrow account for prepayment of property
  taxes as provided by this section.  An escrow account required by
  this section is used to pay property taxes levied against the
  dealer's heavy equipment inventory, and the owner shall fund the
  escrow account as provided by this subsection.
         (d)  The [Except as provided by Section 23.1243, the] owner
  may not withdraw funds in an escrow account created under this
         (e)  The comptroller by rule shall adopt a dealer's heavy
  equipment inventory tax statement form.  Each month, a dealer shall
  complete the form [regardless of whether an item of heavy equipment
  is sold, leased, or rented].  A dealer may use no other form for that
  purpose.  The statement may include the information the comptroller
  considers appropriate but shall include at least the following:
               (1)  a description of each item of dealer's heavy
  equipment inventory, [sold, leased, or rented] including any unique
  identification or serial number affixed to the item by the
               (2)  the market value of [sales price of or lease or
  rental payment received for] the item of heavy equipment[, as
               (3)  the unit property tax of the item of heavy
  equipment, if any; and
               (4)  the reason no unit property tax is assigned if no
  unit property tax is assigned.
         (f)  On or before the 10th day of each month, a dealer shall
  file with the collector the statement required under Subsection
  (e).  The statement must include the market value of the dealer's
  heavy equipment inventory for [covering the sale, lease, or rental
  of each item of heavy equipment sold, leased, or rented by the
  dealer in] the preceding month.  On or before the 10th day of a month
  following a month in which a dealer has no heavy equipment in the
  dealer's inventory [does not sell, lease, or rent an item of heavy
  equipment], the dealer must file the statement with the collector
  and indicate that, during [no sales, leases, or rentals were made
  in] the prior month, the dealer had no heavy equipment in the
  dealer's inventory.  A dealer shall file a copy of the statement
  with the chief appraiser and retain any documentation relating to
  the market value [disposition] of each item of heavy equipment
  included in the statement [sold and the lease or rental of each item
  of heavy equipment].  A chief appraiser or collector may examine
  documents held by a dealer as provided by this subsection in the
  same manner, and subject to the same conditions, as provided by
  Section 23.1241(g).
         (g)  Except as provided by this subsection, Subsection (f)
  applies to any dealer, regardless of whether a dealer owes heavy
  equipment inventory tax for the current year.  A dealer who owes no
  heavy equipment inventory tax for the current year because the
  dealer was not in business on January 1:
               (1)  shall file the statement required by this section
  showing the information required by this section for each month
  that the dealer is in business; and
               (2)  may not assign a unit property tax to an item of
  heavy equipment [sold by the dealer] or remit money with the
  statement except in compliance with the terms of a contract as
  provided by Subsection (k).
         SECTION 5.  Section 41.44(a), Tax Code, is amended to read as
         (a)  Except as provided by Subsections (b), (b-1), (c),
  (c-1), and (c-2), to be entitled to a hearing and determination of a
  protest, the property owner initiating the protest must file a
  written notice of the protest with the appraisal review board
  having authority to hear the matter protested:
               (1)  before May 1 or not later than the 30th day after
  the date that notice to the property owner was delivered to the
  property owner as provided by Section 25.19, if the property is a
  single-family residence that qualifies for an exemption under
  Section 11.13, whichever is later;
               (2)  before June 1 or not later than the 30th day after
  the date that notice was delivered to the property owner as provided
  by Section 25.19 in connection with any other property, whichever
  is later;
               (3)  in the case of a protest of a change in the
  appraisal records ordered as provided by Subchapter A of this
  chapter or by Chapter 25, not later than the 30th day after the date
  notice of the change is delivered to the property owner; or
               (4)  in the case of a determination that a change in the
  use of land appraised under Subchapter C, D, E, or H, Chapter 23,
  has occurred, not later than the 30th day after the date the notice
  of the determination is delivered to the property owner[; or
               [(5)     in the case of a determination of eligibility for
  a refund under Section 23.1243, not later than the 30th day after
  the date the notice of the determination is delivered to the
  property owner].
         SECTION 6.  Section 42.01(a), Tax Code, is amended to read as
         (a)  A property owner is entitled to appeal:
               (1)  an order of the appraisal review board
                     (A)  a protest by the property owner as provided
  by Subchapter C of Chapter 41;
                     (B)  a [determination of an appraisal review board
  on a] motion filed under Section 25.25; or
                     (C)  [a determination of an appraisal review
  board] that the property owner has forfeited the right to a final
  determination of a motion filed under Section 25.25 or of a protest
  under Section 41.411 for failing to comply with the prepayment
  requirements of Section 25.26 or 41.4115, as applicable; or
                     [(D)     a determination of an appraisal review board
  of eligibility for a refund requested under Section 23.1243; or]
               (2)  an order of the comptroller issued as provided by
  Subchapter B, Chapter 24, apportioning among the counties the
  appraised value of railroad rolling stock owned by the property
         SECTION 7.  The following provisions of the Tax Code are
               (1)  Sections 23.1241(a)(3), (5), (7), (8), and (9);
               (2)  Section 23.1243; and
               (3)  Section 41.47(c-1).
         SECTION 8.  This Act applies only to ad valorem taxes imposed
  for a tax year beginning on or after the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2018.