85R6203 SLB-F
  By: Phelan H.B. No. 3742
  relating to the procedure for contested case hearings regarding
  water rights permit applications and amendments to certain water
  management plans.
         SECTION 1.  Section 5.115, Water Code, is amended by adding
  Subsection (h) to read as follows:
         (h)  This section does not apply to a hearing on an
  application for a water rights permit or an amendment to a water
  rights permit under Chapter 11.
         SECTION 2.  Section 11.1273(d), Water Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (d)  The commission shall provide an opportunity for public
  comment and a contested case [public] hearing on the application,
  consistent with the process for other water rights applications.
         SECTION 3.  Sections 11.132(a), (c), and (d), Water Code,
  are amended to read as follows:
         (a)  Notice shall be given to the persons who in the judgment
  of the commission may be affected by an application, including
  those persons listed in Subdivision (2), Subsection (d), of this
  section.  The commission, on the motion of a commissioner or on the
  request of the executive director, the applicant, or any affected
  person, shall hold a contested case [public] hearing on the
         (c)  In the notice, the commission shall:
               (1)  state the name and address of the applicant;
               (2)  state the date the application was filed;
               (3)  state the purpose and extent of the proposed
  appropriation of water;
               (4)  identify the source of supply and the place where
  the water is to be stored or taken or diverted from the source of
               (5)  describe the process by which the commission will
  consider the application [specify the time and location where the
  commission will consider the application]; [and]
               (6)  provide notice that, not later than the 30th day
  after the date of the notice, a person described by Subsection (a)
                     (A)  request a contested case hearing; or
                     (B)  submit:
                           (i)  comments on the application; or
                           (ii)  disputed issues of fact or mixed
  questions of fact and law that are relevant and material to the
  decision on the application; 
               (7)  describe the process for the submissions and
  requests described by Subdivision (6); and
               (8)  give any additional information the commission
  considers necessary.
         (d)  The commission may act on the application without
  holding a contested case [public] hearing if:
               (1)  not less than 30 days before the date of action on
  the application by the commission, the applicant has published the
  commission's notice of the application at least once in a newspaper
  regularly published or circulated within the section of the state
  where the source of water is located;
               (2)  not less than 30 days before the date of action on
  the application by the commission, the commission mails a copy of
  the notice by first-class mail, postage prepaid, to:
                     (A)  each claimant or appropriator of water from
  the source of water supply, the record of whose claim or
  appropriation has been filed with the commission; and
                     (B)  all navigation districts within the river
  basin concerned; and
               (3)  within 30 days after the date of the newspaper
  publication of the commission's notice:
                     (A)  [,] a contested case [public] hearing has not
  been requested in writing by a commissioner, the executive
  director, the applicant, or an affected person; or
                     (B)  no disputed issue of fact or mixed question
  of fact and law that is relevant and material to the decision on the
  application has been submitted by the applicant or an affected
  person [who objects to the application].
         SECTION 4.  Subchapter D, Chapter 11, Water Code, is amended
  by adding Section 11.1321 to read as follows:
         Sec. 11.1321.  AFFECTED PERSON. (a) In this section,
  "timely" means within the period described by Section 11.132.
         (b)  For the purpose of an administrative hearing held by or
  for the commission involving a contested case under this chapter,
  "affected person," or "person affected," or "person who may be
  affected" means a person who has a personal justiciable interest
  related to a legal right, duty, privilege, power, or economic
  interest affected by the administrative hearing.  An interest
  common to members of the general public does not qualify as a
  personal justiciable interest.
         (c)  Unless an application is referred to the State Office of
  Administrative Hearings under Section 11.133(a), the commission
  shall determine whether a person is an affected person at a public
  meeting of the commission.
         (d)  The commission shall make a determination that a person
  is an affected person regarding the application if the person:
               (1)  is the applicant; 
               (2)  owns or leases a permit, certified filing, or
  certificate of adjudication of a senior or superior water right in
  the same basin as the basin affected by the application;
               (3)  has an application pending before the commission
  for a new or amended water right in the same basin as the basin
  affected by the application;
               (4)  has an application pending before the commission
  for a change of ownership of a water right in the same basin as the
  basin affected by the application; or
               (5)  has timely submitted one or more disputed issues
  of fact or mixed questions of fact and law that:
                     (A)  are relevant and material to the decision on
  the application; and
                     (B)  have the potential to affect the justiciable
  interest asserted by the person.
         (e)  The following are not affected persons:
               (1)  a group or association that does not:
                     (A)  timely request a contested case hearing in
  writing; and
                     (B)  identify by name and physical address or
  location a member of the group or association who would be an
  affected person in the person's own right;
               (2)  a hearing requestor, even if otherwise an affected
  person, who did not timely submit in writing a disputed issue of
  fact or mixed question of fact and law that is relevant and material
  to the decision on the application; or
               (3)  a person, even if otherwise an affected person,
  who did not timely request a contested case hearing.
         (f)  For a person other than those described by Subsection
  (d) or (e), the commission shall make a determination regarding
  whether a person is an affected person by considering:
               (1)  the likely impact of approving the application on
  the health, safety, and use of the property of the hearing
  requestor, to the extent the impact relates to issues within the
  commission's jurisdiction;
               (2)  the administrative record, including the permit
  application and any supporting documentation;
               (3)  the analysis and opinions of the executive
  director; and
               (4)  any other expert reports, affidavits, opinions, or
  data submitted on or before any applicable deadline to the
  commission by the executive director, the applicant, or a hearing
         SECTION 5.  Section 11.133, Water Code, is amended to read as
         Sec. 11.133.  HEARING.  (a)  If an applicant requests a
  contested case hearing and that the hearing be referred to the State
  Office of Administrative Hearings, the commission shall refer the
  hearing to the State Office of Administrative Hearings.
         (b)  If the commission determines at a public meeting of the
  commission that a contested case hearing has been requested by an
  affected person, the commission shall either:
               (1)  hold a contested case hearing on the application
  before the commission at a time and place designated by the
  commission; or
               (2)  refer the application to the State Office of
  Administrative Hearings.
         (c)  [At the time and place stated in the notice, the
  commission shall hold a hearing on the application.] Any affected
  person may appear at the hearing in person or by attorney or may
  enter the person's [his] appearance in writing. Any affected
  person who appears may present objection to the issuance of the
  permit. The commission or the State Office of Administrative
  Hearings may receive evidence, orally or by affidavit, in support
  of or in opposition to the issuance of the permit, and it may hear
  arguments. Chapter 2001, Government Code, applies to a contested
  case hearing held under this section.
         (d)  If the commission grants a request for a hearing, the
  commission shall:
               (1)  for a hearing other than a hearing referred to the
  State Office of Administrative Hearings under Subsection (a),
  determine the number and scope of issues to be considered in the
  contested case hearing; and
               (2)  consistent with the nature and number of issues to
  be considered at the hearing, specify the maximum duration of the
  hearing, beginning on the date of the preliminary hearing and
  concluding with the issuance of a proposal for decision, which may
  not exceed a period of 270 days, unless the commission determines
  that the nature and number of issues to be considered at the hearing
  requires that the period be extended.
         (e)  An issue included in the scope of issues determined
  under Subsection (d)(1) must be an issue the commission determines:
               (1)  involves a disputed question of fact or a mixed
  question of fact and law;
               (2)  is relevant and material to the decision on the
  application; and
               (3)  was raised by an affected person during the notice
  period described by Section 11.132.
         SECTION 6.  Subchapter D, Chapter 11, Water Code, is amended
  by adding Section 11.1335 to read as follows:
  ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS. (a) The presiding administrative law
  judge of a contested case hearing referred under Section
               (1)  may not grant party status to a person who is not
  an affected person as determined by the commission under Section
  11.1321; and
               (2)  shall limit the scope of the hearing to the
  disputed issues of fact or mixed questions of fact and law
  identified by the commission under Section 11.133(d)(1).
         (b)  The presiding administrative law judge of a contested
  case hearing referred under Section 11.133(a):
               (1)  may not grant party status to a person who is not
  an affected person; and
               (2)  shall limit the scope of the hearing to:
                     (A)  disputed issues of fact or mixed questions of
  fact and law that:
                           (i)  are relevant and material to the
  decision on the application; and
                           (ii)  were raised by a party to the hearing
  within the period described by Section 11.132;
                     (B)  issues that the parties have agreed to
  include in the hearing, with the approval of the presiding judge;
                     (C)  issues that the presiding judge determines
  are necessary to prevent the deprivation of due process or another
  constitutional right to a party.
         (c)  The administrative law judge who hears the case shall
  issue a proposal for decision on or before the deadline determined
  by the commission under Section 11.133(d)(2) unless the judge
  determines that failure to extend the deadline would unduly deprive
  a party to the hearing of due process or another constitutional
         (d)  For the purposes of Subsections (b) and (c), a political
  subdivision has the same rights as an individual.
         SECTION 7.  Sections 11.143(d) and (g), Water Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (d)  Except as otherwise specifically provided by this
  subsection, before the commission may approve the application and
  issue the permit, it shall give notice and hold a hearing as
  prescribed by this section. The commission may act on the
  application without holding a contested case [public] hearing if:
               (1)  not less than 30 days before the date of action on
  the application by the commission, the applicant has published the
  commission's notice of the application at least once in a newspaper
  regularly published or circulated within the section of the state
  where the source of water is located;
               (2)  not less than 30 days before the date of action on
  the application by the commission, the commission mails a copy of
  the notice by first-class mail, postage prepaid, to each person
  whose claim or appropriation has been filed with the commission and
  whose diversion point is downstream from that described in the
  application; and
               (3)  within 30 days after the date of the newspaper
  publication of the commission's notice, a contested case [public]
  hearing is not requested in writing by a commissioner, the
  executive director, or an affected person who objects to the
         (g)  If on the date specified in the notice prescribed by
  Subsection (d) of this section, the commission determines that a
  contested case [public] hearing must be held, the matter shall be
  remanded for hearing without the necessity of issuing further
  notice other than advising all parties of the time and place where
  the hearing is to convene.
         SECTION 8.  Section 11.174, Water Code, is amended to read as
         Sec. 11.174.  COMMISSION MAY INITIATE PROCEEDINGS. When the
  commission finds that its records do not show that some portion of
  the water has been used during the past 10 years, the executive
  director may initiate proceedings, terminated by contested case 
  [public] hearing, to cancel the permit, certified filing, or
  certificate of adjudication in whole or in part.
         SECTION 9.  Section 11.132(f), Water Code, is repealed.
         SECTION 10.  (a)  As soon as practicable after the effective
  date of this Act, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
  shall adopt rules to implement the changes in law made by this Act.
         (b)  The changes in law made by this Act apply only to an
  application received by the Texas Commission on Environmental
  Quality on or after the effective date of the rules adopted under
  Subsection (a) of this section. An application received before the
  effective date of the rules adopted under Subsection (a) of this
  section is governed by the law in effect on the date the application
  was received, and the former law is continued in effect for that
         SECTION 11.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.