85R14860 TYPED
  By: Johnson of Dallas H.B. No. 3752
  relating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of certain
  nonexempt property used for low-income or moderate-income housing.
         SECTION 1.  Section 1.07(d), Tax Code, is amended to read as
         (d)  A notice required by Section 11.43(q), 11.45(d),
  23.215(g), 23.44(d), 23.46(c) or (f), 23.54(e), 23.541(c),
  23.55(e), 23.551(a), 23.57(d), 23.76(e), 23.79(d), or 23.85(d)
  must be sent by certified mail.
         SECTION 2.  Section 23.215, Tax Code, is amended to read as
  applies only to real property owned by an organization:
               (1)  for the purpose of renting the property [that on
  the effective date of this section was rented] to a low-income or
  moderate-income individual or family satisfying the organization's
  income eligibility requirements [and that continues to be used for
  that purpose];
               (2)  that was financed under the low income housing tax
  credit program under Subchapter DD, Chapter 2306, Government Code,
  and is subject to a land use restriction agreement under that
  subchapter that has not expired or been terminated;
               (3)  that does not receive an exemption under Section
  11.182 or 11.1825; and
               (4)  the owner of which has not entered into an
  agreement with any taxing unit to make payments to the taxing unit
  instead of taxes on the property.
         (b)  In appraising property that is under active
  construction or lease up on January 1 of the tax year in which the
  property is appraised, the [The] chief appraiser shall determine
  the appraised value of [appraise] the property in the manner
  provided by Section 11.1825(q), provided that the chief appraiser
  shall estimate the property's gross income potential and operating
  expenses based on the property's projected income and expenses for
  the first full year of operation as contained in the underwriting
  report pertaining to the property prepared by the Texas Department
  of Housing and Community Affairs under Subchapter DD, Chapter 2306,
  Government Code, as adjusted to reflect the percentage of
  construction of the property that is complete as of January 1
  calculated as the total construction cost expended as of January 1
  divided by the construction budget for a property under active
  construction and, for properties undergoing lease up, as adjusted
  to reflect the actual occupancy.
         (c)  In appraising property for the first tax year following
  the completion of active construction and stabilization of the
  property, the chief appraiser shall determine the appraised value
  of the property in the manner provided by Section 11.1825(q).
         (d)  In appraising property for any subsequent tax year after
  the first year following completion of active construction and
  stabilization of the property, the chief appraiser shall determine
  the appraised value of the property by adjusting the appraised
  value of the property for the preceding tax year by the percentage
  change in the net income of the property in the preceding year as
  compared to the year preceding that year.
         (d-1)  Notwithstanding Subsection (d), for the 2018 tax
  year, in appraising property that was not under active construction
  in 2017, the chief appraiser shall determine the appraised value of
  the property by adjusting the average appraised value of the
  property for the preceding three-year period by the percentage
  change in the net income of the property in the 2017 tax year as
  compared to the 2016 tax year. This subsection expires January 1,
         (e)  If property appraised under this section is sold and is
  no longer subject to a land use restriction agreement described by
  Subsection (a)(2) after the sale, the property is no longer
  eligible for appraisal under this section and an additional tax is
  imposed on the property. The additional tax due is an amount equal
  to the difference between the taxes imposed on the property for each
  of the three years preceding the year in which the property is sold
  that the property was appraised as provided by this section and the
  taxes that would have been imposed had the property been appraised
  at the sale price in each of those years, indexed using each year's
  net income percentage change derived from subsection (d). A tax
  lien attaches to the property on the date the property is sold to
  secure payment of the additional tax imposed by this subsection.
  The lien exists in favor of all taxing units for which the
  additional tax is imposed. The additional tax imposed by this
  subsection does not apply to a year for which the tax has already
  been paid off of the sale price.
         (f)  A determination that property is no longer eligible for
  appraisal under this section is made by the chief appraiser. The
  chief appraiser shall deliver a notice of the determination to the
  owner of the property as soon as possible after making the
  determination and shall include in the notice an explanation of the
  owner's right to protest the determination. If the owner does not
  file a timely protest or if the final determination of the protest
  is that the additional taxes are due, the assessor for each taxing
  unit shall prepare and deliver a bill for the additional taxes as
  soon as practicable. The taxes are due and become delinquent and
  incur penalties and interest as provided by law for ad valorem taxes
  imposed by the taxing unit if not paid before the next February 1
  that is at least 20 days after the date the bill is delivered to the
  owner of the property.
         (g)  Notwithstanding any other law, a property owner may not
  bring a protest under Section 41.43(b)(3) for any tax year in which
  the appraised value of the owner's property is determined by
  adjusting the property's appraised value by the percentage change
  in the net income of the property as provided by this section.
         (g-1)  Notwithstanding any other law, a property appraised
  under this section may not be utilized as a comparable property for
  any property that is not appraised under this section.
         (h)  For purposes of this section, the chief appraiser shall
  determine the percentage change in the net income of property using
  generally accepted appraisal standards for expenses, based on
  information contained in:
               (1)  an audit of the organization that owns the
  property prepared by an independent auditor covering the relevant
  fiscal period; or
               (2)  the most recent annual owner's compliance report
  filed by the organization that owns the property with the Texas
  Department of Housing and Community Affairs.
         (i)  Not later than May 1 of each year, an owner shall deliver
  to the chief appraiser the audit or annual owner's compliance
  report for the preceding year. The chief appraiser may extend the
  deadline for good cause shown.
         SECTION 3.  The change in law made by this Act applies only
  to an ad valorem tax year that begins on or after January 1, 2018.
         SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2018.