By: Thierry H.B. No. 4048
  relating to the attachment of a hospital lien on a cause of action
  or claim of an injured person who receives hospital services.
         SECTION 1.  Section 55.001(3), Property Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
               (3)  "Hospital" has the meaning assigned by Section
  241.003, Health and Safety Code [means a person or institution
  maintaining a facility that   provides hospital   services in this  
         SECTION 2.  Sections 55.002(a) and (b), Property Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (a)  A hospital has a lien on a cause of action or claim of an
  individual who receives hospital services for injuries caused by an
  accident that is attributed to the negligence of another person.
  For the lien to attach, the individual must receive services from 
  [be admitted to] a hospital not later than 72 hours after the
         (b)  The lien extends to both the [admitting] hospital from
  which an individual initially receives services and a hospital to
  which the individual is transferred for treatment of the same
         SECTION 3.  Section 55.003(a), Property Code, is amended to
  read as follows:
         (a)  A lien under this chapter attaches to:
               (1)  a cause of action for damages arising from an
  injury for which the injured individual receives services from [is
  admitted to] the hospital or receives emergency medical services;
               (2)  a judgment of a court in this state or the decision
  of a public agency in a proceeding brought by the injured individual
  or by another person entitled to bring the suit in case of the death
  of the individual to recover damages arising from an injury for
  which the injured individual receives services from [is admitted
  to] the hospital or receives emergency medical services; and
               (3)  the proceeds of a settlement of a cause of action
  or a claim by the injured individual or another person entitled to
  make the claim, arising from an injury for which the injured
  individual receives services from [is admitted to] the hospital or
  receives emergency medical services.
         SECTION 4.  Sections 55.004(b) and (c), Property Code, are
  amended to read as follows:
         (b)  A hospital lien described by Section 55.002(a) is for
  the amount of the hospital's charges for services provided to the
  injured individual during the first 100 days that [of] the injured
  individual receives services from the hospital [individual's
         (c)  A hospital lien described by Section 55.002(a) may also
  include the amount of a physician's reasonable and necessary
  charges for emergency hospital care services provided to the
  injured individual during the first seven days that [of] the
  injured individual receives services from the hospital  
  [individual's hospitalization]. At the request of the physician,
  the hospital may act on the physician's behalf in securing and
  discharging the lien.
         SECTION 5.  Section 55.009 Property Code, is added to read as
         Sec. 55.009.  RECOVERY LIMITED. (a)  If a person is entitled
  by law to seek a recovery of medical expenses for injuries caused by
  an accident that is attributed to the negligence of another person,
  the person and all lien holders are entitled to recover as provided
  by Subsection (b) or (c).
         (b)  This subsection applies when a person is not represented
  by an attorney in obtaining a recovery. The person and all lien
  holders are entitled to recover under Subsection (a) of a person's
  recovery in an amount that is equal to the lesser of: 
               (1)  one-half of the person's gross recovery; or 
               (2)  the total amount provided by Sec 55.004. 
         (c)  This subsection applies when a person is represented by
  an attorney in obtaining a recovery. The person and lien holders
  share under Subsection (a) of a person's recovery is an amount that
  is equal to the lesser of: 
               (1)  one-half of the person's gross recovery less
  attorney's fees and procurement costs as provided by Section
  55.011; or 
               (2)  the total under Sec 55.004 less attorney's fees and
  procurement costs as provided by Section 55.011. 
         SECTION 6.  Section 55.010 Property Code, is added to read as
  ACTION. Notwithstanding Section 37.009 or any other law, if a
  declaratory judgment action is brought under this chapter, the
  court may not award costs or attorney's fees to any party in the
  action for the declaratory judgment action. 
         SECTION 7.  Section 55.011 Property Code, is added to read as
         Sec. 55.011.  ATTORNEY'S FEES IN RECOVERY ACTION. (a) Except
  as provided by Subsection (c), a lien holder whose interest is not
  actively represented by an attorney in an action seeking a recovery
  for injuries caused by an accident that is attributed to the
  negligence of another person shall pay to an attorney representing
  the person a fee in an amount determined under an agreement entered
  into between the attorney and the lien holder plus a pro rata share
  of expenses incurred in connection with the recovery. 
         (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), in the absence of
  an agreement described by Subsection (a), the court shall award to
  the attorney, payable out of the lien holder's share of the total
  gross recovery, a reasonable fee for recovery of their share, not
  to exceed one-third of their recovery, plus a pro rata share of
  expenses incurred in connection with the recovery. 
         (c)  If an attorney representing the lien holder's interest
  actively participates in obtaining a recovery, the court shall
  award and apportion between the person's attorney and lien holder's
  attorney a fee and pro rata expenses payable out of recovery. In
  apportioning the award, the court shall consider the benefit
  accruing to the lien holder as a result of each attorney's service.
  The total attorney's fees may not exceed one-third of the payor's
         SECTION 8.  Section 55.012 Property Code, is added to read as
         Sec. 55.012.  CONSTRUCTION OF CHAPTER. Nothing in this
  chapter shall be construed to prevent a hospital or emergency
  medical services provider from waiving, negotiating, or not
  pursuing any claim or recovery described in this chapter. The
  injured individual or their authorized representative retains
  exclusive authority to conduct negotiations on behalf of the
  injured individual in the absence of a court order. 
         SECTION 13
  .  The change in law made by this Act applies only
  to a lien for services provided to an injured individual on or after
  the effective date of this Act. A lien for services provided before
  the effective date of this Act is governed by the law as it existed
  immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is
  continued in effect for that purpose.
         SECTION 14.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2017.