85R945 KSM-F
  By: Metcalf H.C.R. No. 35
         WHEREAS, The United States Congress established the
  Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program with the expressed goals
  of alleviating hunger and malnutrition and safeguarding the health
  and well-being of members of low-income households; and
         WHEREAS, Food stamp benefits are administered in Texas
  through the Lone Star Card; and
         WHEREAS, During fiscal year 2015, the Texas Health and Human
  Services Commission recorded a monthly average of 3.78 million
  recipients for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; and
         WHEREAS, Total benefits awarded through the Supplemental
  Nutrition Assistance Program in Texas were worth $5.2 billion
  during fiscal year 2015; and
         WHEREAS, Section 3(k) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008,
  which authorized the program and changed the name of the benefits
  from food stamps, defines "food" in broad and expansive terms, and
  as a result, SNAP participants are able to purchase nutritionally
  deficient food items as well as unnecessarily expensive or
  luxurious products; the allowance of these expenditures directly
  contradicts the program's mission; and
         WHEREAS, Each year, public funding goes to cover SNAP
  purchases of soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages that the U.S.
  Department of Agriculture has labeled as having "minimal
  nutritional value," and SNAP participants can use their benefits to
  buy candy, cookies, ice cream, chips, and other items that are high
  in fat or sugar but very low in nutrients; such beverages and snacks
  contribute to obesity, cause increased rates of diabetes and other
  chronic diseases, and lead to higher medical costs; with millions
  of SNAP participants also enrolled in Medicaid, these health issues
  further contribute to growing costs for the federal government; and
         WHEREAS, Today, 45.8 million Americans participate in SNAP,
  and the program costs about $70 billion annually; many citizens are
  becoming increasingly concerned that their tax dollars are being
  subjected to inefficient and wasteful spending; and
         WHEREAS, With the large number of families dependent on SNAP,
  it is imperative that the program support good nutrition, rather
  than subsidize the purchase of products that negatively affect
  public health; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the 85th Legislature of the State of Texas
  hereby respectfully urge the Congress of the United States to amend
  the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to limit the types of food items
  eligible for purchase under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
  Program; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the Texas secretary of state forward official
  copies of this resolution to the president of the United States, to
  the president of the Senate and the speaker of the House of
  Representatives of the United States Congress, and to all the
  members of the Texas delegation to Congress with the request that
  this resolution be entered in the Congressional Record as a
  memorial to the Congress of the United States of America.