85R23306 KID-D
  By: Gutierrez H.C.R. No. 136
         WHEREAS, For well over a century, Americans have set aside a
  time to honor those members of its military forces who have died in
  this country's service; and
         WHEREAS, Originally called Decoration Day, this special
  remembrance was first observed in 1868, when flowers were placed on
  the graves of Union and Confederate soldiers; by the end of the 19th
  century, Memorial Day ceremonies were being held on May 30
  throughout the nation, and in 1971 Congress designated the last
  Monday in May as Memorial Day; and
         WHEREAS, Legions of Americans have stepped forward to serve
  their country in times of conflict, and more than a million have
  made the ultimate sacrifice; they "gave the last full measure of
  devotion" on their native soil, in foreign lands, and on seas around
  the world; today, we pause to remember with fresh sorrow all Texans
  who have been slain in combat as members of the United States
  military, and we acknowledge the profound loss sustained by the
  families they have left behind; and
         WHEREAS, In memorial ceremonies around the nation, Americans
  reflect gratefully on their heritage and recognize the extreme
  sacrifices made by all who serve in the armed forces of this
  country; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED by the 85th Texas Legislature, That the Senate and
  House of Representatives of the State of Texas meet in a joint
  memorial session in the Hall of the House of Representatives on
  Saturday, May 27, 2017, at 10 a.m., for the Fallen Heroes Memorial
  Service to pay tribute to all who have died in the service of this
  country and to honor especially the patriotic sons and daughters of
  the Lone Star State who have given their lives; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That the Honorable Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas,
  all Texas state officials, and the family members of those killed in
  the service of this country be, and hereby are, invited to attend
  the joint memorial session; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That Memorial Day 2017 be commemorated and that the
  contributions of all the men and women who have served our great
  country be recognized.