85R9194 GCB-D
  By: Gutierrez H.J.R. No. 119
  proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the operation of
  casino games at 12 casinos in this state by licensed persons in
  counties that have approved casino gaming; providing for
  certification or licensing of persons engaged in occupations
  related to casino gaming.
         SECTION 1.  Section 47(a), Article III, Texas Constitution,
  is amended to read as follows:
         (a)  The Legislature shall pass laws prohibiting lotteries
  and gift enterprises in this State other than those authorized by
  Subsections (b), (d), (d-1), and (e) of this section and by Section
  47a of this article.
         SECTION 2.  Article III, Texas Constitution, is amended by
  adding Section 47a to read as follows:
         Sec. 47a.  (a)  The legislature by general law in accordance
  with this section shall authorize the operation of casino gaming in
  this state in which individuals for consideration play games of
  chance that award prizes and are operated by persons licensed or
  otherwise authorized by this state to conduct casino gaming. The
  law must:
               (1)  limit casino gaming operations in this state to
  gaming operated by persons licensed in this state to operate casino
  gaming at not more than 12 licensed casinos;
               (2)  provide:
                     (A)  a comprehensive certification or licensing
  program, including necessary background investigations, to govern
  a person that manages casino gaming operations in this state or that
  maintains, manufactures, distributes, sells, or leases casino
  games for use or play in this state;
                     (B)  procedures for the state agency responsible
  for conducting criminal background investigations for the state to
  provide criminal background information to the state agency
  responsible for certification or licensing under Paragraph (A) of
  this subdivision; and
                     (C)  procedures for the monitoring and inspection
  of casino gaming operations as necessary to protect the public
  health, welfare, and safety, to preserve the integrity of this
  state and gaming operations in the state, and to prevent financial
  loss to this state; and
               (3)  prohibit and impose criminal penalties for the
  possession and operation of all gaming devices other than devices
  operated in connection with authorized casino gaming operations or
  gaming devices otherwise authorized by state law.
         (b)  A local option election shall be held in the manner
  determined by general law in each county in which a person applies
  for a license to operate casino gaming.  The state agency
  responsible for certifying or licensing persons to operate casino
  gaming may not award a license for casino gaming in any county
  unless a majority of the voters of the county voting in the election
  favor the authorization of casino gaming in that county.  If a
  majority of the voters in a county voted for the proposition that
  added this section to this constitution, the county is considered
  to have approved the authorization of casino gaming in that county
  by local option election as required by this subsection.
         (c)  In the absence of enabling legislation to implement
  Subsection (a) of this section, the authority of this state to
  operate lotteries under Section 47(e) of this article includes the
  authority of the state agency that operates state lotteries to
  adopt rules to implement casino gaming operations in accordance
  with Subsection (a) of this section, and the state agency shall
  adopt rules to implement casino gaming operations in accordance
  with Subsection (a) of this section.
         (d)  All shipments of casino gaming equipment or other gaming
  devices into, out of, or within this state authorized under this
  section or a law enacted under this section are legal shipments of
  the devices and are exempt from the provisions of 15 U.S.C. Sections
  1171-1178 prohibiting the transportation of gambling devices.
         SECTION 3.  This proposed constitutional amendment shall be
  submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 7, 2017.
  The ballot shall be printed to permit voting for or against the
  proposition: "The constitutional amendment authorizing the
  operation of casino games at 12 casinos in this state by licensed
  persons in counties that have approved casino gaming."