85R8452 BPG-D
  By: Cyrier H.R. No. 207
         WHEREAS, On February 22, 2017, many outstanding students from
  the Giddings Independent School District are gathering at the State
  Capitol to learn more about government and the legislative process;
         WHEREAS, The visiting students are members of the
  Superintendent's Advisory Council; selected for their leadership
  ability, they are helping to rewrite the vision and mission
  statement for the district and will be involved in developing the
  improvement plan for the 2017-2018 school year; and
         WHEREAS, Giddings ISD serves more than 1,900 students at
  Giddings Elementary, Giddings Intermediate, Giddings Middle, and
  Giddings High Schools; over the years, district campuses have
  appeared on the Texas Monthly "Best Public Schools" list and on the
  "Best Schools" list of U.S. News and World Report; teachers and
  administrators work to meet the needs of a diverse student
  population by offering multiple learning and teaching approaches;
         WHEREAS, Over the years, Giddings ISD students have
  demonstrated excellence in the classroom and in a wide range of
  extracurricular activities; graduates have received academic
  scholarships to major universities, and they have been recognized
  as National Merit Semifinalists; moreover, district youngsters
  have distinguished themselves in the award-winning band program,
  state-level UIL Academics, top-placing FFA teams, and state-ranked
  athletic squads; community residents express their "Buffalo Pride"
  by attending a variety of district-sponsored events, from Friday
  night football games to district band concerts; and
         WHEREAS, Giddings ISD is committed to promoting active
  engagement in learning, and by encouraging students to participate
  in the development of educational goals, it is helping them to
  acquire knowledge, skills, and experience that will serve them well
  in the years ahead; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the Giddings Independent School District
  and extend to the visiting delegation sincere best wishes for a
  memorable and enjoyable event; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the district as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.