85R9171 KSM-D
  By: Alonzo H.R. No. 223
         WHEREAS, Chicano History Week commences on February 2, 2018,
  the 170th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe
  Hidalgo; and
         WHEREAS, A crucial document in the annals of both the United
  States and Mexico, the 1848 treaty ended two years of war between
  the nations; Mexico recognized the annexation of Texas by the
  United States, accepted the Rio Grande as the state's southern
  border, and gave up about half of its territory, including
  modern-day California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and parts of
  Colorado, Nevada, and Utah; and
         WHEREAS, Approximately 80,000 Mexicans lived in the ceded
  area at the time, and the vast majority chose to become United
  States citizens; although the treaty granted protection of their
  property and civil rights, decades of land seizures ensued, and by
  the end of the 19th century, most Mexicans in the region had lost
  their land; and
         WHEREAS, The Chicano movement that arose in the 1960s and
  1970s focused attention on failed promises of the treaty; Hispanic
  civil rights leaders raised awareness of the document's importance
  in their struggle to promote social justice for Mexican Americans,
  and, in working to gain representation and recognition, they also
  developed an enduring consciousness of a long and rich heritage
  that continues to inspire us today; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize February 2-8, 2018, as Chicano History
  Week and encourage all Texans to learn more about the enormous
  contributions made by Chicanos to the vibrant culture of the Lone
  Star State.