85R8849 BK-D
  By: Anderson of McLennan H.R. No. 284
         WHEREAS, The Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic
  Laboratory is marking its 50th anniversary on March 6, 2017; and
         WHEREAS, Created by the Texas Legislature in 1967, the TVMDL
  is dedicated to providing veterinary diagnostic services for both
  livestock and pets, with the goal of protecting the health of
  animals, the safety of the public, and the commercial interests of
  livestock owners; the agency is composed of two full-service
  laboratories in College Station and Amarillo, opened in 1969 and
  1975 respectively, and two additional poultry laboratories in
  Center and Gonzales; and
         WHEREAS, The staff of the TVMDL are trained to examine and
  diagnose live and deceased animals; the agency also collects
  critical laboratory data necessary to identify disease and issues
  appropriate warnings to individuals and government clients; and
         WHEREAS, In 2004, the USDA selected the TVMDL to be part of
  the National Animal Health Laboratory Network, a group of state and
  regional laboratories that perform surveillance testing for
  high-consequence agricultural and zoonotic pathogens; to that end,
  Biosafety Level 3 laboratories have been built at both its College
  Station and Amarillo locations, enabling staff to safely work with
  and contain contagious animal disease agents; and
         WHEREAS, In its mission to serve the diagnostic needs of
  animal owners and food animal industries and to facilitate the
  early detection of diseases, TVMDL is committed to developing new
  diagnostic tools and incorporating state-of-the-art technology;
  the agency's work is made possible by its highly skilled
  professional, technical, and administrative staff, as well as by
  its professional relationships with the Texas A&M University
  College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science, practicing
  veterinarians, industry leaders, and the general public; and
         WHEREAS, A half century after its establishment, the Texas
  A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory continues to promote
  animal health and to protect public safety, and in so doing, it is
  making important and far-reaching contributions across the Lone
  Star State and beyond; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Texas
  A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory and extend to all
  those associated with the agency sincere best wishes for continued
  success with their important work; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the TVMDL as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.