85R10852 BPG-D
  By: Howard H.R. No. 495
         WHEREAS, The 90th birthday of an esteemed Texan is indeed
  cause for celebration, and Florence Roberta Key Fisher of Austin is
  marking this significant milestone in her life on March 1, 2017; and
         WHEREAS, The daughter of George and Mae Key, the former
  Florence Key was born in Raymondville in 1927; she graduated from
  Port Lavaca High School in 1945 and on October 6 of that year, she
  married her high school sweetheart, Charles Edward Fisher; and
         WHEREAS, Mrs. Fisher worked at the Calhoun County Clerk's
  Office for a time, and in 1968, she founded Shoreline Dredging and
  Construction with her husband; she was employed as a bookkeeper at
  Calhoun High School for 26 years before her retirement in 1989; the
  Fishers sold their business in 1993; and
         WHEREAS, Through the years, Mrs. Fisher has known the joy of
  welcoming into her treasured family two sons, Jon Keith Fisher and
  Eddie Ross Fisher, along with six grandchildren and seven
  great-grandchildren; she and her husband shared a rewarding
  marriage until his passing in February 2003; later that year, after
  Hurricane Claudette hit Port Lavaca, she moved to Austin to be
  closer to her sons and their children; and
         WHEREAS, Florence Fisher has witnessed a panorama of change
  over the course of nine decades, and she has met life's challenges
  and opportunities with dignity and grace, earning the deep
  admiration of all who are privileged to know her; now, therefore, be
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Florence Roberta Key Fisher on the
  joyous occasion of her 90th birthday and extend to her sincere best
  wishes for continued happiness; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mrs. Fisher as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.