H.R. No. 565
         WHEREAS, Dr. Suzanne J. Nelson, superintendent of the
  Tuloso-Midway Independent School District, has been named the 2016
  Superintendent of the Year for Education Service Center Region 2;
         WHEREAS, Since 1984, the Texas Association of School Boards
  has sponsored this annual award to recognize local school district
  superintendents for their leadership skills, commitment to public
  involvement in education, and dedication to improving educational
  quality, student performance, and employee relations; and
         WHEREAS, A native of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Dr. Nelson
  began her career as a teacher in Edmond, Oklahoma; she joined the
  Tuloso-Midway ISD as director of elementary and secondary education
  in 1984, and two years later, she became district superintendent;
  after 12 years' outstanding service in that post, she retired in
  1998, but in 1999 she accepted an appointment as school
  superintendent in Eagle Pass; subsequent attempts at a life of
  leisure were equally short-lived: she returned to lead
  Tuloso-Midway again in 2005, took up the reins of George West ISD in
  2007, and embarked on her third tenure as superintendent of
  Tuloso-Midway in 2010; and
         WHEREAS, Since returning to the district six years ago, Dr.
  Nelson has been instrumental in securing the passage of several
  measures, including a $36 million bond package, that have enabled
  the construction and renovation of a number of school facilities;
  her successful efforts to improve the district's financial
  practices have resulted in top ratings from the School Financial
  Integrity Rating System of Texas, and she has also increased the
  diversity of her district's administrative team and professional
  staff; of her many accomplishments at Tuloso-Midway over the years,
  she takes greatest pride in leading the transition to a year-round
  school calendar, which the district introduced in 1994; in
  appreciation for all that she has done in behalf of TMISD, the
  performing arts center at Tuloso-Midway High School was named in
  her honor in 2014; and
         WHEREAS, Dr. Sue Nelson's hard work and commitment to
  excellence have made a positive difference in the lives of
  countless Texas students for more than 30 years, and her receipt of
  this prestigious accolade provides a fitting opportunity to
  recognize her outstanding contributions to the Lone Star State;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Dr. Suzanne J. Nelson on her
  selection as the 2016 Region 2 Superintendent of the Year and extend
  to her sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Dr. Nelson as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 565 was adopted by the House on March
  2, 2017, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House