85R13412 KSM-D
  By: Nevárez H.R. No. 589
         WHEREAS, Proud residents of Kinney County are gathering in
  Austin on February 22, 2017, to celebrate Kinney County Day at the
  State Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, Located west of San Antonio in the Rio Grande Plains
  region, Kinney County was created in 1850 and named for early
  settler and adventurer Henry Lawrence Kinney; the United States
  Army established Fort Riley, later known as Fort Clark, along Las
  Moras Creek in 1852, and the community of Brackett was formed later
  that same year; by 1876, the final boundaries of the county had been
  set by the Texas Legislature, and the renamed town of Brackettville
  was designated as the county seat; and
         WHEREAS, Through the years, cattle ranching has dominated the
  economy of Kinney County, and wool and mohair production played an
  important part in the nation's efforts during World War II; and
         WHEREAS, Today, tourists are drawn to the county by such
  attractions as Kickapoo Cavern State Park and Fort Clark Springs, a
  community that provides visitors and residents alike with
  opportunities for camping, swimming, and tours of the Old
  Guardhouse Museum; and
         WHEREAS, The people of Kinney County are confidently facing
  the future while continuing to embrace their vibrant heritage, and
  it is indeed fitting to honor their contributions to the story of
  the Lone Star State; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize February 22, 2017, as Kinney County
  Day at the State Capitol and extend to the visiting delegation
  sincere best wishes for an informative and enjoyable stay in