85R13526 RMA-D
  By: Burns H.R. No. 590
         WHEREAS, Republican leaders from across the Lone Star State
  are gathering in Austin on February 22, 2017, to celebrate Texas
  Republican County Chairmen's Association Legislative Day at the
  State Capitol; and
         WHEREAS, An auxiliary of the Republican Party of Texas, the
  TRCCA is dedicated to fostering a strong and efficient grassroots
  network in all 254 counties in the state; the group empowers county
  chairs by providing training, by supporting their efforts, and by
  facilitating communication between the party's county and state
  organizations; and
         WHEREAS, The TRCCA greatly benefits from the guidance of its
  executive committee, which is composed of president Janet Jackson,
  vice president Jack Barcroft, secretary Marian Knowlton, executive
  director Jenny Griffin, treasurer Benny Fogleman, RPT State
  Republican Executive Committee liaison Denise DeLara, assistant
  treasurer Kent Batman, legislative chair Bill Fairbrother,
  immediate past president Carl Tepper, general counsel Wade Emmert,
  and member at-large Paul Reiger; the organization is further served
  by its eight regional directors; and
         WHEREAS, Through their active civic engagement, the members
  of the Texas Republican County Chairmen's Association are making a
  positive difference in their communities, state, and nation, and it
  is indeed a pleasure to welcome them to Austin on their legislative
  day; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby recognize February 22, 2017, as Texas Republican
  County Chairmen's Association Legislative Day at the State Capitol
  and extend to all those in attendance sincere best wishes for an
  enjoyable and productive visit; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the association as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.