85R11754 JCD-D
  By: VanDeaver H.R. No. 622
         WHEREAS, The Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors
  Association is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2017; and
         WHEREAS, I. N. Odom founded Elementary Principals in Waco on
  November 30, 1917, from among a group of 50 administrators that
  gathered at the annual Texas State Teachers Association convention;
  as these school leaders continued to meet together over the years,
  an independent organization, now known as the Texas Elementary
  Principals and Supervisors Association, was formed; and
         WHEREAS, Today, TEPSA represents about 6,000 Texas
  principals, assistant principals, and supervisors, and it is the
  only organization of its kind focused exclusively on administrators
  at the pre-K to eighth-grade level; and
         WHEREAS, Since its inception, members of the organization
  have worked tirelessly to advocate in behalf of the Texas public
  education system; these efforts have played a crucial role in the
  adoption of a formal set of criteria by which to evaluate elementary
  schools, in raising the standard requirements for qualification to
  become a principal, and in ensuring that each elementary school
  campus is provided with a full-time principal; and
         WHEREAS, Throughout the past century, the Texas Elementary
  Principals and Supervisors Association has greatly contributed to
  the betterment of the Lone Star State through its dedication to
  education and to supporting the leaders of our state's youth, and it
  is indeed fitting to join in marking this significant milestone in
  the organization's rich history; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the Texas Elementary Principals and
  Supervisors Association on the occasion of its 100th anniversary
  and extend to all those affiliated with the organization sincere
  best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the group as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.