85R14066 ALB-D
  By: Springer H.R. No. 762
         WHEREAS, Phillip Rhodes has served the students of Childress
  High School with great dedication for more than three decades, and
  in recognition of his exemplary work as a coach and teacher, he
  received a free trip to Super Bowl LI in Houston from Good Morning
  America; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Rhodes was nominated for the prize by more than
  100 people after GMA set out to find a deserving coach who has had a
  profound impact on students; and
         WHEREAS, Over the course of his career, Mr. Rhodes has
  coached more than 3,000 young athletes in nearly every sport
  offered by Childress High; today, he serves as head coach of the
  junior varsity football team and the boys' track team and as an
  assistant coach for the varsity football team in addition to
  teaching world geography; and
         WHEREAS, Coach Rhodes has earned the deep appreciation of the
  Childress High School community for his ability to help students
  reach their full potential, and he is known for the special effort
  he makes to help them feel welcome and appreciated; and
         WHEREAS, Through his exceptional ability to educate and
  inspire, Phillip Rhodes has made a positive difference in the lives
  of countless young people, and he is indeed deserving of this
  special honor; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Phillip Rhodes on earning a trip to
  Super Bowl LI from Good Morning America and commend him for his
  outstanding contributions as a coach and teacher at Childress High
  School; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Rhodes as an expression of high regard by the Texas
  House of Representatives.