85R15049 JCD-D
  By: Alonzo H.R. No. 891
         WHEREAS, Since its establishment in 1952, the University of
  Houston College of Optometry has been a leader in education, vision
  research, and patient care; and
         WHEREAS, Today, under the able leadership of Dr. Earl L.
  Smith III, the UH College of Optometry offers a graduate program
  with several degree options, as well as a doctorate of optometry,
  clinical residencies, and a summer career program; the college
  includes the University Eye Institute, the Molly and Doug Barnes
  Vision Institute, and the Texas Eye Research and Technology Center;
         WHEREAS, The five community clinics operated by the UH
  College of Optometry are integral to its mission as well; located in
  Houston, Dallas, and Fort Worth, these facilities administer
  comprehensive eye examinations and diagnose and treat eye disorders
  at a reduced cost to the public, giving students valuable hands-on
  optometry experience; in addition, the college operates the Mobile
  Eye Institute, which extends on-site care to patients with limited
  mobility or reduced access to traditional health care facilities,
  and it also supplements classroom instruction with innovative
  research opportunities; moreover, students volunteer hundreds of
  hours each year to provide services locally and internationally;
         WHEREAS, For more than six decades, the University of Houston
  College of Optometry has devoted itself to offering optometric
  education of exceptional quality, and in so doing, it has equipped
  generations of Texans with the knowledge and skills necessary to
  build rewarding careers in service to their communities; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the University of Houston College of
  Optometry and extend to its faculty, staff, and students sincere
  best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the college as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.