H.R. No. 902
         WHEREAS, Proud members of Lions Clubs International are
  celebrating their 100th anniversary in 2017, and this milestone
  presents a welcome opportunity to reflect on the rich history of
  this outstanding service organization; and
         WHEREAS, Founded by Melvin Jones, the International
  Association of Lions Clubs held its first convention in October
  1917 at the Adolphus Hotel in Dallas; of the original 23 clubs, 12
  were formed in the Lone Star State; and
         WHEREAS, A watershed moment occurred in 1927 when Helen
  Keller addressed the 10th convention of Lions Clubs International
  and urged attendees to become "Knights of the Blind"; in the years
  since, members have enthusiastically accepted her challenge,
  providing assistance to millions of people who suffer from
  blindness or limited vision through a wide variety of programs; the
  Lions Clubs International Foundation was created in 1968, and its
  Sight for Kids program has screened nearly 20 million children,
  while the SightFirst effort has raised approximately $500,000 for
  cataract operations; and
         WHEREAS, In 1970, Lions Clubs International adopted the motto
  "We Serve," and members have demonstrated their commitment to that
  maxim through myriad service efforts of benefit to people around
  the globe; the One Shot, One Life Lions Measles Initiative provided
  vaccines to more than 150 million children in 2012, and through
  fund-matching partnerships with the Bill and Melinda Gates
  Foundation and other groups, the program has saved millions of
  lives and raised tens of millions of dollars; in South Africa, fewer
  than 50 clubs consisting of only 1,250 members feed 60,000 people
  every day; moreover, Lions have collected over $1 billion in
  donations since 1972; and
         WHEREAS, The Lions Clubs of Texas have originated many of
  their own service projects, including the Juvenile Diabetes
  Program, the Journey for Sight fund-raising event, and the Texas
  Lions Foundation, a disaster relief fund; the Midland Lions Clubs
  pioneered the practice of sending recycled eyeglasses to people in
  need overseas, and that program has been adopted by Lions groups
  around the country; in Texas alone, Lions recycling centers assist
  in the collection, cataloging, and distribution of 1.5 million
  pairs of glasses each year; the organization has established five
  eye banks across the state to help the medical community recover and
  distribute eye tissue for transplants and research; in addition,
  the Texas Lions Camp has given approximately 70,000 children with
  diabetes or disabilities the chance to spend a week camping,
  horseback riding, and swimming, at no cost to their families; a
  successful antidrug program was created through the efforts of the
  Texas Lions, especially those of retired U.S. Air Force brigadier
  general and Vietnam War POW Robbie Risner; and
         WHEREAS, Texas Lions are especially proud of the two living
  past international presidents who hail from the Lone Star State,
  Jimmy Ross of Quitaque and Everett J. Grindstaff of Ballinger;
  Lions Clubs International has further benefited from the skilled
  guidance of such exemplary leaders as its present director, Sam
  Lindsey, and past international directors Don Buckalew, Ray
  Hughston, Mike Butler, Marshall Cooper, Connie De La Garza, Beverly
  Stebbins, and Joe Al Picone; and
         WHEREAS, Over the years, the Lions organization has been
  honored by a number of luminaries, including Lion and former
  President Jimmy Carter, who nominated the club for the Nobel Peace
  Prize in 2008; the group has also won praise from President Ronald
  Reagan, who was an honorary Lion, as well as President Anwar Sadat
  of Egypt, Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel, and Pope John
  Paul II, among many others; and
         WHEREAS, Today, Lions Clubs International is one of the
  largest, most respected, and most effective service organizations
  in the world, with 1.4 million members in 209 locations, and it is a
  privilege to join in recognizing its century of service to those in
  need; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 100th anniversary of Lions Clubs
  International and extend to its members sincere best wishes for
  continued success with their important work; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Lions Clubs International as an expression of high
  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 902 was adopted by the House on March
  23, 2017, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House