85R17556 BK-D
  By: Morrison H.R. No. 1024
         WHEREAS, The 8th annual World Seagrass Day in Aransas Pass is
  being held on April 7, 2017, to raise awareness of seagrasses and
  the vital role that they play in coastal ecosystems; and
         WHEREAS, Seagrasses are submerged flowering plants found in
  bays, lagoons, and other areas with shallow marine water, including
  the continental shelf of the Gulf of Mexico; an important indicator
  species, the grasses provide food and habitat for marine
  invertebrates, and their ability to sustain fish populations makes
  them particularly important to Aransas Pass and other communities
  that rely on commercial and recreational fishing; in addition,
  seagrasses help to maintain water quality and clarity and stabilize
  the sea floor, which can lessen the impact of waves and potentially
  reduce storm damage; and
         WHEREAS, The self-proclaimed "Seagrass Capital of the
  World," Aransas Pass partially overlaps with the Redfish Bay State
  Scientific Area; designated by the Texas Parks and Wildlife
  Department, this area features around 50 miles of prime fishing
  habitat and 14,000 acres of submerged seagrass beds; since 2006,
  TPWD has regulated public boating activities in the area to prevent
  damage to the grasses, and in 2013, the Texas Legislature followed
  suit by passing House Bill 3279, which requires safe boating
  practices around all seagrass habitats in Texas coastal waters; and
         WHEREAS, Aransas Pass and Live Oak Peninsula are home to the
  Science & Spanish Club Network; this innovative program was started
  by the Gulf of Mexico Foundation with the goal of developing youth
  leadership by teaching stewardship of the Gulf of Mexico and the
  greater Gulf Stream ecosystem; to date, two area campuses, Charlie
  Marshall Elementary in Aransas Pass and Blaschke-Sheldon
  Elementary in Ingleside, have been designated Seagrass Savvy
  Schools by the program, and more are expected to be announced during
  future World Seagrass Day events; and
         WHEREAS, By encouraging Texans to be responsible caretakers
  of seagrasses, the celebration of World Seagrass Day is helping to
  promote the conservation and biodiversity of our state's precious
  coastal ecosystems for this and future generations, and all those
  taking part in this observance are to be commended for supporting
  this crucial cause; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby commemorate the 8th annual World Seagrass Day in
  Aransas Pass and extend to all those in attendance sincere best
  wishes for an enjoyable and informative gathering.