H.R. No. 1027
         WHEREAS, Sisters Matilde Zambrano and Cruz Pantoja, valued
  employees of the historic Wilson Plaza in Corpus Christi, have
  earned the appreciation and esteem of many members of their
  community over the course of their long careers at a South Texas
  landmark; and
         WHEREAS, Wilson Plaza had its origins in 1927 as the Nixon
  Building, the first skyscraper to be erected in Corpus Christi;
  that structure was expanded in 1935 with the addition of the "Cotton
  Exchange" annex; in 1947, the complex was purchased by oil and real
  estate financier Sam E. Wilson, and in 1951, he added a 17-story
  office tower with a four-story luxury penthouse, where he lived
  with his wife, Ada; until Mrs. Wilson died in 1977, the tower was
  the center of Corpus Christi's social scene; and
         WHEREAS, Matilde Zambrano and Cruz Pantoja are the daughters
  of Estanislao Valdez and Martha Valdez Pinones; another sister,
  Geneva, was the first member of the family to work at Wilson Plaza,
  and when Geneva moved to California in the late 1950s,
  Mrs. Zambrano took over her job as an elevator operator; "Tillie"
  Zambrano came to be known as "Lucky" by the other operators, because
  Mrs. Wilson herself often asked her to run the elevator for the
  penthouse meetings of the Ladies' Club and then had her driven home
  by the Wilsons' chauffeur; and
         WHEREAS, Mrs. Pantoja joined her sister as an elevator
  operator at Wilson Plaza in 1966, and apart from a four-year period
  when she was raising her two sons, Christopher and Juan, she has
  worked there ever since; the manually operated elevators were
  replaced with automatic models in 1995, but the two sisters were
  held in such high regard by the building's tenants and management
  that they were asked to stay on; today, Mrs. Zambrano and
  Mrs. Pantoja each represent the plaza as an official greeter and
  concierge; and
         WHEREAS, Tillie Zambrano and her husband, Edward Zambrano,
  were married for more than 20 years, until his passing, and Cruz
  Pantoja is the wife of the late Juan Jose Pantoja; in addition to
  her two sons, Mrs. Pantoja has been blessed with a grandson,
  Joseph; and
         WHEREAS, For some five and six decades, these two dedicated,
  hardworking sisters have assisted the tenants of, and countless
  visitors to, the Wilson Plaza, and through their warmth and
  friendliness, they have brightened the day of all they have
  greeted; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby commend Matilde Zambrano and Cruz Pantoja for
  their many years of service at the Wilson Plaza and extend to them
  sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be prepared
  for Mrs. Zambrano and Mrs. Pantoja as an expression of high regard
  by the Texas House of Representatives.
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1027 was adopted by the House on March
  30, 2017, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House