85R18845 JGH-D
  By: Button H.R. No. 1086
         WHEREAS, Bob L. Townsend is retiring from the Richardson City
  Council in May 2017, drawing to a close a notable tenure that has
  spanned more than a decade and a half; and
         WHEREAS, First elected to the city council in 2001,
  Mr. Townsend went on to serve for eight consecutive terms,
  including one term as mayor and three terms as mayor pro tempore;
  over the course of his 16 years on the council, he played a vital
  role in supporting the development of the Eisemann Center for the
  Performing Arts and the Richardson Gymnastics Center, the
  renovation of the Heights and Huffhines recreation centers, and the
  construction of several fire stations and Dallas Area Rapid Transit
  stations; he was also instrumental in the creation of the CityLine
  mixed-use development and in bringing the headquarters of Blue
  Cross/Blue Shield of Texas and the Fossil retail company to
  Richardson; and
         WHEREAS, Among Mr. Townsend's many civic contributions while
  in office was the creation of the Mayor's Office of International
  Business, which led to Richardson's designation as the official
  International Business Capital of North Texas by the 82nd
  Legislature; in addition, he represented the city on the Regional
  Transportation Council, the Dallas Regional Mobility Coalition,
  the North Central Texas Council of Governments, and the Metroplex
  Mayors Association; moreover, he has served as an ex officio member
  of the board of the Richardson Chamber of Commerce and the
  Leadership Richardson Advisory Board; and
         WHEREAS, Born in Oklahoma, Mr. Townsend pursued his
  undergraduate studies at the University of Oklahoma and
  Southeastern Oklahoma State University and earned his master's
  degree at Southern Methodist University; he retired from Texas
  Instruments in 1997 after a rewarding 37-year career with the
  company; in all his endeavors, he has enjoyed the love and support
  of his wife, Lynn, and he takes great pride in their three children,
  seven grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren; and
         WHEREAS, Bob Townsend's dedication, expertise, and
  commitment to the prosperity and well-being of his community have
  greatly benefited the citizens of Richardson, and he may indeed
  reflect with satisfaction on a job well done; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby congratulate Bob L. Townsend on his retirement
  from the Richardson City Council and extend to him sincere best
  wishes for the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Townsend as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.