H.R. No. 1177
         WHEREAS, Members of Cooke County Republican Women are
  gathering in Austin for the Texas Federation of Republican Women's
  Texas Legislative Day at the State Capitol on April 6, 2017; and
         WHEREAS, Cooke County Republican Women was established on
  October 21, 1991, by 10 founding members; with the guidance of
  Marcia Saunders, a leader in the Texas Federation of Republican
  Women, CCRW began a long-term grassroots effort to advance the
  Republican Party in their community; members pursued a variety of
  initiatives, from volunteering for phone banks and block walking to
  recruiting candidates, holding fund-raisers, and bringing
  prestigious Republican speakers to the county, and their efforts
  proved extraordinarily successful in inspiring voters to support
  their candidates; and
         WHEREAS, Over the years, the members of CCRW have set an
  outstanding example of civic engagement through their spirited
  participation in the political process, and they may take great
  pride in their commitment to their community and to their party's
  ideals; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas
  Legislature hereby honor the members of Cooke County Republican
  Women on the occasion of their visit to the State Capitol for the
  Texas Federation of Republican Women's Texas Legislative Day and
  extend to them sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the organization as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas House of Representatives.
Straus Goldman Oliverson
Allen Gonzales of Williamson Ortega
Alonzo González of El Paso Paddie
Alvarado Gooden Parker
Anchia Guerra Paul
Anderson of Dallas Guillen Perez
Anderson of McLennan Gutierrez Phelan
Arévalo Hefner Phillips
Ashby Hernandez Pickett
Bailes Herrero Price
Bell Hinojosa Raney
Bernal Holland Raymond
Biedermann Howard Reynolds
Blanco Huberty Rinaldi
Bohac Hunter Roberts
Bonnen of Brazoria Isaac Rodriguez of Bexar
Bonnen of Galveston Israel Rodriguez of Travis
Burkett Johnson of Dallas Romero, Jr.
Burns Johnson of Harris Rose
Burrows Kacal Sanford
Button Keough Schaefer
Cain King of Hemphill Schofield
Canales King of Parker Schubert
Capriglione King of Uvalde Shaheen
Clardy Klick Sheffield
Coleman Koop Shine
Collier Krause Simmons
Cook Kuempel Smithee
Cortez Lambert Springer
Cosper Landgraf Stephenson
Craddick Lang Stickland
Cyrier Larson Stucky
Dale Laubenberg Swanson
Darby Leach Thierry
Davis of Dallas Longoria Thompson of Brazoria
Davis of Harris Lozano Thompson of Harris
Dean Lucio III Tinderholt
Deshotel Martinez Turner
Dukes Metcalf Uresti
Dutton Meyer VanDeaver
Elkins Miller Villalba
Faircloth Minjarez Vo
Fallon Moody Walle
Farrar Morrison White
Flynn Muñoz, Jr. Wilson
Frank Murphy Workman
Frullo Murr Wray
Geren Neave Wu
Gervin-Hawkins Nevárez Zedler
Giddings Oliveira Zerwas
  Speaker of the House     
         I certify that H.R. No. 1177 was adopted by the House on April
  6, 2017, by a non-record vote.
  Chief Clerk of the House