WHEREAS, April 4, 2017, is Southwestern Christian College Day |
at the State Capitol, and this occasion provides a welcome |
opportunity to recognize this notable institution; and |
WHEREAS, Established by leaders in the Churches of Christ as |
the Southern Bible Institute, the school opened in Fort Worth in |
1948; the following year, it adopted its present name and moved to |
the former Texas Military College property in Terrell; and |
WHEREAS, Dr. Jack Evans Sr., a prominent evangelist, became |
president of the college in 1967 and guided its successful progress |
toward accreditation as a two-year junior college; in 1982, he led |
the creation of a bachelor's degree program in Bible and religious |
education; after five decades at the helm, Dr. Evans retired and |
was succeeded in January 2017 by Dr. Ervin D. Seamster Jr., a |
graduate of Southwestern Christian College and Perkins School of |
Theology; and |
WHEREAS, Today, Southwestern continues to offer a |
faith-based, holistic education, fostering academic excellence |
within the context of commitment to moral and spiritual values; |
while assisting new high school graduates in their transition to |
higher education, it prepares students for leadership roles in |
their communities as well as for participation in the workforce; |
over the years, many Southwestern alumni have also gone on to become |
preachers and leaders in the Churches of Christ; and |
WHEREAS, For nearly seven decades, Southwestern Christian |
College has provided young Texans with a strong foundation on which |
to build fulfilling lives, and its enduring existence stands as a |
tribute to the faith and dedication of its administrators, faculty, |
staff, and alumni; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 85th Texas |
Legislature hereby recognize April 4, 2017, as Southwestern |
Christian College Day at the State Capitol; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for the college as an expression of high regard by the |
Texas House of Representatives. |